私の2020年のフォールアウトのコスプレ。 (参考のために編集されていない最後の写真)ファムの見た目、考えはありましたか?

by OmriKoresh


  1. PickettsChargingPort on

    Nice job. You’re definitely ready to be a surface dweller

  2. SugarbearSID on

    The edit on the first picture kind of did you dirty. Not that it looks “better” in the original, just you can tell it’s edited heavily.

    Costume is incredible though, great job all around!

  3. RejecterofThots on

    Prolly the best vault suit cosplay I’ve seen. The suit looks so realistic and not like obvious cosplay. I like it very much.

  4. Ashland-Crow on

    This is fantastic, did an exceptional job, really do like the last pick, reminds me of on set movie photos

  5. Gladio_Amicitia on

    You really posted in game screenshots and thought we wouldn’t notice?

    (Very good cosplay btw, love it)

  6. Over-Analyzed on

    Amazing cosplay!

    I actually love the unedited photo.

    The gritty reality. No crazy lighting, no edited background, the harsh reality of the world…

  7. I thought this was behind the scenes photos from the tv show. Great job.

  8. Nukulargear on

    This looks great! Did you make the vault suit from scratch or did you use an existing one as a base and build up? Either way, fantastic work

  9. Revy_Black_Lagoon on

    For a second I thought I was looking at a mod from in game, this is excellent. Completely out did yourself

  10. TeamShot2494 on

    The teddy bear 😭😭😭 I’ve been rescuing them all the time

  11. Oh wow! Did you build the Pip Boy yourself? It’s really solid! Did it work?

    Amazing cosplay, vaultie!

  12. It cosplay looks great, but I have one piece of constructive criticism from a purely technical standpoint. The lighting doesn’t match the background for most of the pictures.

    The first one for example. The background looks like it was a photo taken at golden hour, the last hour or so before sunset where the lighting is softer and more warm. Your cosplay photo was taken at a different time of day where the lighting is cooler. Also, in your cosplay photo the light is coming from your left side. To match the environment, it would have to come from your right.