How to get started with Cosplay in 2024!

衣装の作り方を学ぶ: 私たちのビデオが好きですか? サポートしてください: 私は 20 年以上コスプレをしてきましたが、今ほど簡単に始められることはなかったと思います。 そこで、この素晴らしい趣味を始める方法について、私のトップ 10 のヒントをご紹介します。もしかしたら、それがあなたの人生をも完全に変えるかもしれません。 ❤️ – スヴェトラーナ 動画編集:Benni & @GeekingJay ___ ► ソーシャル: ウェブサイト: Facebook: インスタグラム: https://www.instagram. com/kamuicosplay/ TIKTOK: TWITCH:


  1. You was the first Cosplay Creator I watched and I think will be forever the number one! I identified myself so much with your crafting style and organization! I just got the tools for my first Cosplay. First I will help my son with his armor… Later I will go for my project! Thank you for your positive energy, tutorials and videos! I think I found an excellent first teacher!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  2. How to discover the best, and one of the most expensive hobbies in the world 😂❤ Such a wholesome video, I personally had to take a big break from cosplay for a while, but now I slowly found back the spark for it and it's so amazing once again. It makes you feel so happy inside to share something you love with others :')

  3. Well I start cosplay in 1999 but defenetly in my area cosplay is less about crafting and more and more about show off. I know a cosplayer's kid actually 15 yo having 2parents cosplayer, claiming loving cosplay but won't make an handmade one. She says that she doesnt care about crafting cause it's too long it need too much effort and don't even want to try while having parents whom can help. Cosplay for them is just about fame showing off and followers counter.🫤

  4. I would love to but I’m too big to cosplay the characters I like. I’d look terrible unless I wear like three corsets. I’m happy other people can enjoy it though

  5. I love this video. You hit so many valuable points. I am someone who wants to create cosplay but don't know where to start. Thank you so much. 💓

  6. Great video. I was astounded to discover I could make costume accessories with my own hands. I got started watching you and several other makers here on YouTube and it’s been so much fun!

  7. You guys are the best! I really enjoy your shorts/videos! I look forward to seeing what you have planned for the future! Cheers!

  8. I did my first cosplay last year for a franchise barely anyone in the West knew about. And to my surprise, several people noticed who I was cosplaying as, and more who don't but was intrigued by it.
    I am going to the convention this summer again with a new costume, hopefully better and easier to move in.

  9. I think one of the best things about cosplay is how many other crafts it can open a door to, or link from. For instance, maybe someone doesn't know how to use foam for weapons, but they took a woodshop class in highschool – this could be a chance to use those skills they learned! Same thing with makeup, where maybe you have experience with doing stage makeup for drama or a haunted house, but you don't really know how to do irl everyday makeup. Well, stage makeup know-how is important, because a lot of people will be taking photos of you! Tons of skills can be used in really unexpected ways in cosplay, for instance I followed someone who for some reason was incredibly talented with a glue gun and would make really intricate, gilded accessories with just that! If you ever think "I don't have the right skills for cosplay", think about the things you ARE skilled in, because they might come into play in ways you don't expect!

  10. I'm 63 now and only started 6 years ago.. I've bought most of your books as I was struggling getting my old head around the 3d printing malarky and your books on foam allowed me to bypass printing until I figured it out. But I now cosplay as General Romodi , Commander Cain from og Battlestar as I was able to print the parts etc..Also Ghostbuster but I'm still sorting out the Pack electronics.. oh and V the original series.. and as I type the printer is knocking out some greables for my Vault dweller suit.. yes I'm hooked on it too. So thank you so much for what you do and the confidence you give to others,

  11. I've learned about you and your cosplay work back in 2015, and I ended up making my first costume in 2016 (XCOM 2 Advent officer) using some EVA foam!

    It's been years since that project, and I finally got back into costume/prop making this year starting with a Helldivers 2 costume! I have many plans for future projects in the future, and I appreciate all the advice and inspiration you've provided over the years <3

  12. This is so perfect! I'm teaching a cosplay class to kids this summerand this is just right for the intro on our first day.

  13. To be honest, I started making cosplay props last august, and it's the hobby that combines all my hobbies, 3d modeling, 3d printing, photography, painting, making stuff with my hands, power tools, and sniffing plastic chemicals. It's a thing you can make a living out of it, I love it.

  14. I have started doing my first cosplay now at 31, gotten a few basic tools and some EVA foam and I'm really looking forward to the journey 😀

  15. Svetlana! Always so positive and energizing. I don’t cosplay, but I always watch your videos. Your passion is soooo infectious!

    Benni! Another amazing video edit and soundscape! Do you use Premier/After Effects!

  16. I been doing cosplay on and of for a decade. I remember getting a Ben nye starter kits for Bruce's cause I wanted to learn to make Hollywood monster. I was cosplaying before I even knowing what it was !!! Even tho I there were times I gave up, I always come back cause there's something so beautiful of this craft. To invent something to create is such a journey and you keep learning everyday and you wanna learn more so it's a great craft to learn if you wanna learn a bunch a skill.

    Please to anyone who feels like doing it, just try. That's all you need to try! Even if your 29 years old and want to re-dtart cosplaying…DO IT!

  17. I kind of fell out of cosplay during that interruptionn 4 years ago 🙈
    Before that I did a lot of cosplay and visited many conventions.
    Now I'm struggling to find my way back into it.

  18. It's only sort of a joke that cosplay is a gateway hobby. Through cosplay, I've gotten into 3D printing, sure, but I'm also currently learning embroidery and historical sewing techniques. I love inserting little details and references to historical inspiration that maybe no one else will notice, but I will!

  19. Great list for novice and advanced cosplayers. I use Eva and upholstery foam, knives, glue and imagination. Most ambitious build was my 2nd build Somewhere in time cyborg Eddie. Without Kamui and others tutorials I would still be scratching my head

  20. Honestly this vid made me cry a little bit (I'm very emotional)
    I've been putting off cosplaying bc life keeps happening, and your video reminded me that I just need to do it, and start easy. I may or may not have gotten a cosplay to start with 👀👀 Thank you so much!

  21. Thank you so much for sharing this. While I haven’t made an entire cosplay before, these same ideas apply to most any other hobby. You made a fun and relatable tutorial for how to enjoy doing things that make you happy. Super helpful. Great video. 😊

  22. So sorry you were bullied but I'm so glad you found people who share your interests ❤. This video is amazing! Thank you for this and you're amazing too!

  23. İ always liked doing things like this but dont know how to finish them. How to paint them or cover with other material do you have any suggestions or tutorial

  24. I really appreciate all the work you do and all the positivity and encouragement you bring with videos like this. I've been cosplaying for 18 but only recently started being able to craft some of my own stuff, and it's absolutely a journey! We should all be here to encourage each other in this super fun hobby. 🥰

  25. I get really sad when cosplaying bc im not skinny or good at wigs or makeup, but your videos make me somewhat happier? Idk

  26. Like you said I think one of the easiest ways to do cosplay is in a casual outfit! You can thrift an outfit if you're on a budget and just style a wig.

  27. I'm gonna be attending my first convention in cosplay this year after wanting to start cosplay since like…… 2008 haha. This video was really good, you made some great points and hit the nail on the head with the reminders I needed to hear (especially: it doesn't have to be perfect xD). Thanks for being such a positive, inspiring, creative force! 🙂

  28. A huge breakthrough I had was that you're allowed to cosplay for your own abilities and not what people care about. Like You can alter a costume to make you feel better in your body. Accuracy != quality. (you can't make me wear leggings! I won't do it!) Another huge thing was not cosplaying whatever is the newest show. I felt so obligated to do something recent and popular and then I felt like I had to make something new for every con because it would be too old or not recognizable (and that was BEFORE social media moved as fast as it does now lol). It took me a long time to realize that I was allowed to be a character from a niche game and take a whole year to make it or to wear an original design and only make one piece a year. Recognition != quality. I'm having MUCH more fun now with those realizations.

  29. Another skill that is important in cosplay is patience, both for yourself and the cosplay that you're working on. I've been cosplaying off and on for 10 years and this hobby has taught me to be kind to myself in learning new skills. It takes time to get better at something new. I could see myself leveling up with each costume because I build upon the skills I learned in the last costume, as well as improving on what I didn't do well last time. So, have patience with yourself and enjoy the process!