Conquering a cosplay that TERRIFIED ME

期限なしで無料で Milanote にサインアップしてください: 無料のパターンを入手するか、チャンネル Merch をサポートしてください。 Yam Albat の Teto に関するビデオ Norris Donta Ford の優れたスーツ ジャケットのウォークスルー https://www Patchwork Posse の半正方形三角形のチュートリアル (ベルトに使用したもの) Kirilee の Lazy Lady Method テトセクションのソース https:// 質問やコミュニティについては Discord に参加してください! 新しいマシンを購入してください: (これはアフィリエイト リンクです。このリンクを使用して Web サイトで何かを購入すると、売上の一部が私に与えられます)チャプター 0:00- イントロ 2:23 – A ラインのペチコートを作る 6:04 – かさねテトとは 9:03 – ハードウェアだらけのスカート 23:52 – 恐ろしいリンドジャケットを作る 37:27 – アクセサリー音楽: いくつかの音楽Lud and Schlatts Musical Emporium ほとんどのトラックはここから来ました: Animal Crossing 風の音楽: サウンドクラウド: https :// ドラマティック ブラス音楽: 一部の音楽提供: Epidemic Sound:恐怖を感じました #cosplay 仕立てはとても恐ろしいですが、このコスプレを克服したような気がします #かさねてと #tailoring


  1. Oh Sarah it's so amazing! Thank you so much for your suffering but also for your detailed explanations on the different techniques! ❤

  2. tips to change colours on a serger: cut the threats at the spool, knot the new threats on there and sew. the machine will thread itself.

  3. the name teto sounds so wrong in portuguese 😂😂😂 it's a rude way to talk about breasts 🤣 also, i have no idea who this character is, i clicked purely because it's a video made by you ❤ i see Sarah Spaceman and i click 👌✨

  4. So im in a funny situation. I do a ton of my sewing stuff by hand. Like i have sewn multiple dresses by hand over the course of like a year because i don't have a sewing machine. However i have a serger. This beautiful serger is also the resson i don't have a sewing machine. My mom bought this fancy thing for me when i was 12 as a gift along with a childrens sewing machine that broke like 2 months in usage.
    I have very strange problems and my wrists are in agony.

  5. wait. a 15 yr old girl provided tetos voice?
    i… where did i read that the initial demo voice was a joke voicebank made by some guy/s that modified their voice to sound feminine….

  6. I've been using Milanote for planning for a couple of years now, and one of my favorite features is that it has an extension you can add to your web browser that lets you automatically add images you find to the board of your choice. Super super useful for pulling reference photos, and the fact that it adds a link to where you found the image means that you can just drop whatever link you need into the board with like, two clicks.

  7. Serger threads: cut them next to your spool, put new color in, knot them together with as small knots as you can and carefully sew scrap piece of fabric until you see knots coming towards your 2 needles. Stop, cut knots away, thread thread trough your needles and hold them while you continue your scrap tester little bit forward.
    And as some have already said, librarys have so many good things to offer these days, check them up.