I Found a Secret FROG COSTUME in Wobbly Life!

All right here we are back in the wobbly life sewers last time we fixed a bunch of pipes and then we unlocked this secret door so we’re going to be going in here and seeing where this leads us oh look at this what is this place it

Looks creepy it looks old and dilap we got spider webs with spiders oh oh oh I just got I got washed down this pipe here where am I going oh my gosh look at this we’re getting some speed oh right through spider webs what is that go goop

On the walls I don’t even want to know that’s disgusting where the heck am I going can I even get out of here I don’t know oh I touched some of the goop oh oh wa all right well I just landed in a little nasty pond get me out

Oh jeez please please just jump there we go and what the heck there’s a giant frog living in the old sewers hello oh ah finally a wobbly I’ve wait so long for someone to come down here I am the queen of the sewers what the queen of the sewers and

You must help me with an important task my water caps have all run dry I need a constant supply of water to keep my Tad poles happy a tad poles take this old sewer key use it to unlock the four old sewer grates around wobbly Island you

Can recognize an old sewer great by my Royal Crest find a way to turn the water back on in each of these sewers they are in four locations the city The Village the mountain and Paradise Island oh no this is like a scavenger hunt for sewer

Pipes that is all you need to know oh my God look at this she’s beautiful a giant frog lady wa okay I know I know what’s going to happen we’re going to do this mission for her we’re going to get an awesome Secret outfit look at this place

It’s disgusting down here look the little Tad poles they’re so cute can I hug one I’m going to hug a yeah you can’t hug the Tad poles well that’s good to know I D oh did I get eaten oh oh all right well we better go do

This quest for that frog Queen the queen of the sewers first place we have to go to is the city see you later dude I got a secret mission from a giant frog could you imagine if someone said that to you I wouldn’t even believe them where would

It be I actually don’t see any in the roads here so what I’m thinking is it might actually be in like an alley or something so maybe let’s drive our car back here get get back here get back here oh no oh no okay well I guess I’m

Walking ah all right oh look at this look at this is this it I see a frog on it so let’s go down there oh and is there going to be like Puzzles attached to these sewers what okay where oh no what is this oh we got three little

Sewer pipes here and look at that big mess of pipes okay maybe we just jump in one and see where we go here we go oh is there anything across wait wait wait wait wait look over there I see a valve so we have to turn that valve to turn

The B water back on so I’m just going to jump through a random one here we go oh oh all right this is the wrong one but I do want this duck to go with me okay maybe this this middle one and boom oh no my duck oh we’re back at the entrance

Get out of here you duck jerk okay no I’m falling that’s what I deserve is it just random I think it might just be random and then we go through the middle boom um where how do I get over there how do I right boom oh here we go nice

The first valve of four is flipped boom all right well let’s get out of here easiest way is just down like this woohoo oh ow the next location is this little village I believe that’s what they meant by Village uh I don’t see any sewer grates around here uh maybe it’s

In like this park hello sewer grates are you here I don’t see any at oh what the heck wait there’s one right here oh oh is this the right one is this the right one let’s see and there is a frog on it so let’s go down huh W hey how’s it

Going hey how did you get down here it took me ages to pry that sewer gray open I’ve been sent here to fix a plumbing problem every time we clean it up a few weeks later it just gets clogged up again what does he mean what what does

That guy mean huh okay jump over this like this boom we’re going to jump over like that is there anything down here what the heck is this oh my gosh look at all this gloop glop everywhere what is this is this wait is this jelly is Jellyman flushing his jelly down the

Toilet everyone knows you’re not supposed to flush anything but poop down toilets jelly it’s just going to clog up everything okay what are these things huh interact what what is happening what what does this Contraption oh it’s a hose we can use this to clean up the jelly okay and then

We just grab it like this and bring it over oh is this how we fill it back up with water oh no it is we have so much jelly to clean up are you serious how do I get across this bridge and maybe we just got to clean up the area to get

Across uh let’s see what are these Contraptions what is this contraption here oh look there’s gears in this one oh this actually might might be easy okay and wao look at that and a bridge extends out okay we made it to the last section I’ve sprayed so much water back

Over there look it’s almost clean wow I should get a promotion for all that hard work well I got to go over here fill this bad boy and the valve should be somewhere in here probably in that middle piece there so grab this come on

Oh man you know how heavy this would be okay pop this down and Moment of Truth here we go there it is there it is don’t even need to finish just turn this valve and we got two of four now how do I get out of here backflip all right Third location it

Said Mountain so oh was that what was that it could be anywhere okay that one does not have a frog logo on it thinking it’s going to be on this Main Road watch out watch out Motorcycle Dude watch out I got a secret mission from a frog whoo

Whoa wo what’s that one that one does not have a frog on it you know how crazy I sound I sound actually super uh smart super smart I’m on fire I’m On Fire get this in the water get this in the water there we go oh my gosh look at that I

Didn’t die I’m wondering if it’s going to be in one of these giant tunnels it might be I don’t see it yet uh there’s a car I might be able to grab that give me your car dude give me your car okay back

Up and I see one oh there it is there it is nice okay you can have your car back I’m sorry let’s go in here we go what the heck is this is this a big lump of poop I got a big lump of poop are you

Serious I don’t want poo poo all right oh look everything is frozen over and we have a giant furnace this is not poop this is coal so we throw coal in here oh we need five chunks of coal what the heck is this thing what the there’s like

A little puzzle up there so the middle one goes up there we go and then this one goes to the middle like that but we don’t know the rest we got to find the other pieces I might be able to guess that first thing first though let’s grab

Some coal let’s let’s get this coal to warm this place up oh look right here oh we found we found a piece of the puzzle okay pop this up there there we go so this left side here goes up boom all right and now we’re just missing the

Right side I think that’s how we turn the furnace on but we need more coal too I like toag imagine that it is still poo poo that we’re grabbing and burning cuz I mean it it might be it’s technically probably fuel it’s probably I don’t even

What I’m talking about but here you go boom let’s maybe go this way oh here we go we got two pop these in the furnace oh that’s all we need that’s all we need okay now I’m going to guess this boom oh there we go I didn’t even need to guess

It I didn’t even need to guess it and three of the four valves are turned on and we just need one more to make the Frog Queen happy and for the last valve it’s somewhere inside of Paradise Island I don’t see any uh weird manhole grades anywhere over here maybe it’s around the

Market who oh w w w I saw it I saw it I saw it it is right here wa that’s a weird place for a sewer entrance but here we go um what is down here oh what is this what the heck is this we got a

Lever we got a lever with water below us and it looks like we’re going to have to do like some type of maze so pull that uh there’s water water’s Rising water’s Rising oh no oh no it’s a literal flood it’s a literal flood okay go no no no no

No uh I don’t think they’re saving this I don’t think they’re s oh my gosh this is difficult I just got consumed by water let’s try this again pull the lever we’re not going to waste any time here we go boom bang Bop I am an Obby

Master from all my Roblox years let’s do this I actually didn’t play Roblox that much but look at this I know how to oh no oh no there’s another lever here I know how to run in wobbly life boom okay po at the water is right below us water

Is right below us we got to hurry I think these little pipes here give us a little Advantage cuz we get so high up from them okay there we go there we go no no shortcuts I was doing so good I was doing so good jump bang up how close

Is it oh look at that Mak a lot of distance okay there’s another another thing over here I’m freaking out this is scary I thought tsunamis were scary but being in like an enclosed area here with our little ragd doll body it’s even more scary it’s coming up fast it’s coming up

Fast we got to hurry boom bang Bop okay I’m glad these things don’t fall down they don’t close there we go okay up no no no no I was doing so good wait wait we can still this we can still do this we can still do this I’m freaking out

Okay jump oh that was so close okay calm down we got this oh no no no no climb up climb up oh it’s right below me it’s right below me I hope there’s not another lever I hope there’s not another lever I can’t I can’t click another

Lever or I’m going to die there it is oh okay okay we made it oh there we go and the water stopped and now we just head back to the Frog Queen what the door closed behind me that was kind of creepy oh yeah oh oh my gosh all right we did

It we opened all the tabs maybe wobblies aren’t so bad after all is good to see my home back to its watery best but I haven’t been entirely honest with you there is another reason I got you to turn the Taps back on you see my crown

Has been stolen oh my gosh it got grabbed by one of those pesky tentacles in that room over there and I cannot get it back myself I I feel so lost without it but now that the water taps are flowing again you should be able to get

It for me I will give you a gift worthy of your efforts if you can return okay so we go back over here to get the crown all right jump on this Lily Pad like this we can do this we got this oh look at the little tadpoles they’re so happy

That they’re living their dreams all right look for any secrets or anything like that because there’s probably some hidden out in this level this area area Okay jump up like this jump across we got some more platforming puzzles but that’s easy I just survived the flood I

Could do this here we go boom oh oh okay maybe I shouldn’t jinx myself like that ow okay there we go there we go all right just through here I don’t see anything secret we got some steam though run run run run run run run okay we got

It we got it so do I jump on this little guy’s head and go across don’t jump on the little guy’s head no oh we over here and there’s there’s pipes spraying water so don’t get hit by that there we go boom bang go across like oh steam steam

Go across like this this is easy enough yeah I got this okay water we got steam oh no no no no no land it oh that was so close that was so close holy man look at this this place is massive we got it we got an alligator there’s an alligator in

The sewer I’m going to jump on his back take that no no no no no okay get back back up get back up oh no the alligator do not jump on alligator’s backs lesson learned but we’re making some good progress look at this boom um oh we got tentacles right

Here so if I get close to them they’re going to grab me but let’s grab maybe some of these and go because I remember they do pick up stuff so we’re just going to distract them distract them with a lot of these big old barrels

Throw these in there we go we need need a little more maybe two like this we’ll make a little path perfect get out of my way you jerk no okay the barrels didn’t work okay maybe we just give this guy there we go there we go grab this one grab this one

Go to the left side take that take the barrel take the barrel okay give me this Barrel thank you go go go go go all right and throw this one there grab the barrel yes run pull the lever and boom a pipe all all right well see you guys

Later get out of here jerks don’t grab me no are you serious well thankfully we’re back over here there’s a big old crocodile right there it’s tempting but I’m not jumping on him okay go down here oh look at this we got some radioactive barrels now we got some doors here but I

Can’t go in but hold on what if there’s like a secret down below hold on let’s see let’s see jump down right here oh there is a secret look there’s a secret there is there one on the other side no but it’s right there it’s right there jump down somehow squeeze through

Squeeze through did I do it did I I think I did it what is this we unlocked a secret Lily Pad hat wow and there it is the lily pad hat it doesn’t do much except I got a lily pad on my head wow it’s kind of cool honestly but here

We go jumping up um where am I going I don’t even know oh hold on a second hold on a second what is this oh we got a bunch of tentacles look the crown there’s the crown so can I grab onto this and sneak through those tentacles

Here we go here we go oh oh okay they grab you they grab you oh oh but hold on a second hold on we got these we got these radioactive barrels I don’t know if tentacles are weak to a radioactive barrels because I think it’s already a radioactive monster maybe all right well

We’re going to we’re going to try this anyways we’re going to try this anyways I’m up here throw these down there we go what’s that going to do what’s that going to do there they go there they go and boom bang well that’s how we defeat the giant

Tentacle monster I think it is all right here we go boom is one more going to do it I guess we’ll see here we go and bang okay now we grab onto this before they come back and we zip line across please don’t come back please don’t come back

And look at this we got the crown nice now how do I get this back to the queen uh maybe I just jump into this tube here we go don’t lose it don’t lose it we’re sliding down oh yeah she’s going to be so happy I wonder what she’s going to

Give me better be worth my efforts going around the whole city and jumping in poo poo water here we go here’s your crown queen frog here you go wao my crown she looks so happy I Feel Complete again thank you young wobbly you’ve proved yourself very

Useful now I can get back to looking after my Tad PES as I promised here is your Reed lord it’s a little friend of mine he’ll help you out with your jumping what’s that mean now be gone I have things to do wo unlocked a jumping frog backpack wo and we completed the

Sewer Mission oh all right that’s awesome let’s go try out this frog backpack see what it does exactly I’m kind of excited all right take me to my house oh I just I just came up from my own toilet from the sewers oh my gosh but it’s fine it’s fine because you know

We got a new Secret outfit let’s go down here and where is it is it oh it’s right here he’s on my back oh this is awesome okay let’s go outside and try out his special ability look at him just hang on he’s so adorable a okay here we go what should

We name this little guy let me know down below Below in the comments look he’s so cute he’s just breathing all right here we go special ability 3 2 1 boom what what oh my what the look at him this is awesome you can just keep using it I

Want to try to jump over a car okay here we go jump wo okay this might be my new favorite outfit a frog is it technically I think it’s just an animal I think it’s just an animal on my back Okie croaky I’m out of here remember stay sweet bye

「Wobly Life」で秘密のカエルのコスチュームを見つけました。 ジャンピング フロッグのバックパック コスチュームや女王カエルなどの秘密を探す面白いラグドール サンドボックス ゲームです。 「Wobly Life」のこの新しい下水道アップデートでは、他にどのような秘密が見つかるのでしょうか? ►秘密の下水道の怪物! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jvY52tw4xh4 – – – – – – Wobbly Life ゲームについて: ラグドール キャラクターが登場するオープンワールドの物理ベースのサンドボックス。 オンラインやローカル協力プレイで友達とプレイし、さまざまなミニゲームや目標を発見して、ラグドール ゲームの世界で使える現金を獲得しましょう! #ぐらつく生活 #ラグドール #スパイケーキ


  1. spiking some going to give you some help to unlock the rock outfit, first, go to them go, Tere base, and then search like the whole entire military base, you find the sky with a rocket, and then you get some percent he needs, and then once you got all the parts, bringing it back to him and then you can unlock the outfit, my takes a day for him to make it so yeah you're welcome

  2. u should go to the jungle base in the next episode cuz there’s a guy outside with a job and an eater egg next to the rocket

  3. Hey spy used to be a huge fan you used be the only person I watched on this platform but times change huh? I just wanted to ask why you aimed for this kid friendly version of your channel there's like no personality in your videos now I mean the quality definitely went up just that I hate when you speak in that roleplay voice all the time (I don't hate your voice you actually have a very pleasant voice)-knowing that the 2017-2019 spycakes was all about personality and creativity in the videos where you and your friends would be doing gmod challenges and the roleplays before were good but now it just seems like your targeted audience is kids and it's hard to enjoy your content now that I'm maturing more and more day by day the real question is why did you make that change?

  4. Hi spy I’m a big fan I have been since your channel name was seven spy. I really should take a small break but only if you want to i just feel like you work so hard and you deserve a little break but you can do this if you want

  5. I got type one diabetes can you make a video for me please can you do the four guys again in gmod zombie brick rigs ❤