Leather Armour, Costume for Ren Events, SCA, Larp, Cosplay – “Colouring: Building Tones”

Back to the ladies piece and i will tell you her name just as we finished because again this is something that came to me when i was coloring this up earlier this is now where i really want to start adding that that personality to it so again i’m going to

Take some of this off now i want to go on the side panels quite heavy because they’re going to be they’re going to be hidden anyway but they would naturally they would get a lot of wear and a lot of dirt and when i’m doing this i’m always thinking about

Where’s it going to collect where’s the dirt going to collect where are you going to have the darker shadows where do you want to create the darker shadows and tones and often that’s going to evolve as a color out from the edges and this is often why i’ll use

A brush at this stage again just thinking along those lines of dirt collecting under edges well this is where i will get that brush and start by applying under the edges this is something you know you’ll get a chance to really play play with the tones play with the colors

Play with that final you know be brave be brave with your colors be bold there’s there’s a few things that you can really get wrong as long as you’re kind of you know you are thinking about where each piece is going the purpose of it the customer and all the

Rest of it i just find that you know that puts me in an absolute key place of knowing what the customers expectations are knowing what your own expectations are at the end of the day you’ve if this is a piece for you you’ve done your you’ve done your own brief

And again we’re gonna just carefully go under these these buckles obviously i’ll be securing them later on and yet you’ll see that i’ve got i’ve got sort of swirls and marks around there but now we start to blend them in and again i’ll say no panic yes it looks dark

This is all part of that final look because i know how much color you need to really give to get a real depth for after your for after your antiquing process and you can already see the color difference between color difference between the bottom section now and the top section

Let’s get right into these side panels and again get under the edges anywhere that you can’t reach this is this is great a bit more color on there because if you think in natural wear these would have become darker because they’ve they’ve been hidden away and they’ve

Been rubbing against each other a bit more color needed there they will have been you know this is where the body part is enclosed so really take your time to get into those cracks and crevices thoroughly You

Black Raven Armory の Alex Agricola 氏による発表 「レザー アーマー、コスチューム、アクセサリーの初心者向けマスタークラス」モジュール 11 からの抜粋 Black Raven Armory オンライン アカデミー https://www.blackravenacademy.com

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