This “easy” cosplay turned into SUFFERING

This video is brought to you by Squarespace. So I thought making a Frieren cosplay would be easy. Her outfit is very simple. There should have been easy, but somehow I managed to make it very difficult. But the cosplay came out cute. So here’s how I made it.

I’m gonna start with a dress and I’m going to use a pattern that I’ve used twice before on the channel. It’s this one. I got it on Etsy and I already cut out all my pieces, and I also serged them all the way around the edges, because I’m not going to line this.

If if you don’t have a surgeon, you’re probably just going to want a bag line this dress, But you might also notice that I haven’t cut out my center front yet, and that’s because of the stripes. I couldn’t find a striped fabric that was the width that I wanted.

Also, her stripes in some of the images, the black lines are bigger than the white lines. So I’m going to make the stripes, which isn’t that hard. And it just starts with a bunch of strips of fabric. so I have a couple little white strips, a couple larger black strips,

And then I have two even larger white strips to be the top and the bottom so that I just have extra fabric there because it doesn’t actually need to be striped there. But I’m going to take my big ones and lay them out needs to go white, black, little white, black.

Am I missing a black stripe? There’s only three black stripes. Don’t need that one. I had one extra white one. So you can probably figure what I’m going to do next. Imma take these. I’m gonna put them right side together and I’m going to sew them up.

I did make sure that the strips were big enough where they will fit the center front piece of my pattern before I cut them. and you want to form the textile before you cut them into the pattern piece. It is also generally a good idea

That you use the same type of fabric for both fabrics. I’m not. The white I’m using is a real linen. I sprung for real linen for this because I wanted it to be nice and cool and be a little bit fancy, even if it’s simple.

And then the black is actually a cotton double gauze, and I’m only using it because I didn’t really need a lot of black for this project. And I just had Black Double Gauze You want to use the same type of fabric because you want them to be the same weight.

These are not the same weight or stiffness, but I think it’ll be fine. It might come out a little weird, once they are all together, I’m going to flip them over to the back and press all those seam allowances flat Okay. I feel like that looks pretty good.

Normally you do like you cut a center front like this on the fold. But I think it’ll be more accurate if I just flip the pattern piece over and trace it again, Is it straight? That’s the question. I mean, it looks pretty straight, so I’ll go with that.

So now I just got to cut this out and then I’m going to also run it through my serger so that all the edges are nice and finished. And then I can start assembling the dress. Okay, little stripe panel ready to go?

If you want a princess in bodice, this is the sort of pattern you want. You’re going to have a center front panel. You’re going to have side fronts, side backs and back pieces. But having this many pieces means you don’t need to do any darts. And I personally hate darts.

I think they’re really annoying. I think they never fit as good as a whole Seam does. And they also never really look as good as a whole. Seam does. So especially if you’re a beginner, avoid darts at all cost. because we don’t have any darts, these go together really simply.

Side fronts get attached to the front, The side backs get attached to the backs. side seams go together. And before I do my shoulder seams I’m actually going to go through and press all of my seams flat. because it’s just going to be easier to do it now.

And don’t normally spring for linen, but the biggest thing I wanted with this project is I, I like need a cosplay that’s just like, small and comfortable. You know, And that is the goal for Frieren. And that’s sort of why I sprung for linen.

It’s, you know, it’s a couple extra dollars a yard. but linen is so nice and it breathes so, so well. And I’m just really happy I sprung for the linen because it press is so nice. Look how nice and flat everything is. Okay. I’ll stop gushing about linen.

I’m going to do up these shoulders and then we’re going to try this piece on. Okay, let’s see if she fits. I’ve used this pattern, like, twice before. It should. It should just fit. But does it look good? I think that’s the question. I do think

The neckline needs to be more square, so it’s more like Frieren. But I think it looks pretty good. I mean, this is a piece of the costume that you barely even see because of the Cape. But, yeah, I think I’m just going to actually. Let me just draw on right now.

The cool thing about necklines is because they don’t really correspond to any other piece of the pattern. If you want to change it, you can kind of just do whatever you want. But you do. You want to make sure it’s even. So I’m going to line up my shoulders, seams

I’m just going to square it off by cutting it. There we go. That’s better. Nice and square stripes. I mean, most of this gets covered up by the Cape anyway, so does it matter? So to finish off the neck line, I’m going to do a facing It’s basically

A little piece of fabric that you so just at the edge of something like at a neckline so that you can have a clean edge there having to do a full lining. This pattern actually came with a facing piece. But because I have now changed to the collar,

I need to re pattern the facing piece so that it actually fits. Which is not hard. But I did have to go ahead and unpick my side seams so this whole thing would lay flat. But now that I have this flat, I can see the actual shape of my neckline

And I’m just going to take a regular piece of paper. I might need a bigger piece of paper. I’m going to make a bigger piece of paper. take, my bigger piece of paper and stick it under there I’m just going to trace around the inside of the neckline.

Move this and then add a little bit of extra. You don’t need a ton. You don’t want a ton. Just a little bit. It can be kind of arbitrary because this just goes on the inside. No one’s ever going to see it.

Now, I just got to cut my new little pattern out of the paper and then cut this out of a piece of linen so to install it, I’m going to get my bodice laid out flat and then I’m going to take this and I’m going to put it right sides together.

This is the wrong side because it’s ugly. The wrong side is the ugly side. This doesn’t really have a right or wrong side. I’m going to line this up around the neckline Now I just need to sew around my neckline. But I’m not just going to sew around the neckline once

Because there’s a really cool thing you can do with facings that makes them look really, really nice and keeps them in place correctly. basically what I’m going to do is under stitch the seam allowance to the bottom of the facing. and all it really does is help keep the facing like flat

And where it’s supposed to be. But to do it, you basically just like, splay all this stuff out. Push all of your seam allowance over to the facing and then bring it over to the machine and you just sew down the seam

Allowance onto the facing and it is the kind of thing that where when you’re sewing it, you have to constantly be making sure everything is flat and that you’re not getting any of the layers that are not supposed to be there.

It’s also a cool thing because you don’t really have to get it super straight because it’s going to be on the inside of the garment, but it is pretty worth doing. And once I get that stitch in, I’m going to put the whole neckline

Over my pressing ham, which is just a like it’s this thing. It’s a thing that you press curves over And I’m going to press the neckline flat. And that is my neck line. So on this side, it’s like, perfect. Like, nice, clean. Don’t even see a seam.

And then on this side, there’s just that little facing you can kind of see how, like, it kind of wants to flip up. But that under stitch in there is going to help it not do that too much. Yeah, I still got to put the side seams back together.

But once I do that, we guys are working on the skirt. so from what I can tell Frieren is wearing a quarter circle skirt which means I did not need to buy a pattern Any skirt is easy to pattern, but especially when it’s a variation of a circle skirt, it’s really, really easy.

So basically. Half, three quarter full double, triple, quadruple. You get the idea. These are all very portions of a circle skirt. A full circle skirt means skirt that when cut flat forms an entire circle or I guess two circles. this makes for a skirt that slightly fitted at the waist,

But then grows into a very nice flounce and flare at the bottom. You add another circle and you’ve got gathers at the waist and even more flounce. But cut the circle in half and you’ve got slightly less flounce. Cut it again and you’ve got even less. They’re really easy to pattern

And I’ve got some good explanations in these videos. But for Frieren in retrospect, I kind of wish I had gone with a half circle skirt. But here’s what I went with. And I’ve taken my quarter circle skirt and halved it again. So now I have 2/8 of a circle skirt.

And I did that. So it was a little easier to cut out, but also so I had some seams on the side to add some giant insert pockets. And it is a cosplay even comfortable if it doesn’t have some giant pockets that I can’t fit my entire tripod in.

So insert pockets are really easy But I have two pockets ready to go and I have two pieces of each pocket. but I also marked why I want the pocket to start because a thing I keep doing is putting my pockets

Like too high and then the top of the pocket ends up in the seam and I lose part of my pocket and my pocket gets smaller and I don’t want that. to install them, I’m going to grab just one piece of my skirt and I’m going to take one side of each pocket

And put them on the skirt panel and pin them on there. now I just got to sew from the top of the pocket to where I want the pocket opening to stop. those are in on one side. So now I got to do it to the other side.

But because I have made myself two different pockets, I need to actually make sure that I put the right size of pocket on the right side, which is not a problem that you will have if you just cut the same size pockets. But I was just trying to cut them out of scraps

And I wanted them to be as big as possible. Don’t question my logic. yeah, now I’m going to do that to these two pockets and then we can sew them together. So before I actually sew these together, I’m going to take the pocket pieces and press everything inward.

And then ill sew them together. do I finish the skirt seam first? I don’t think it matters. Basically, the next two things I need to do are actually sew the rest of the skirt together. And then sew these to each other. But I’m going to skirt seam first.

I think that’s how you’re supposed to do it. now I have an inside out skirt with two floppy pieces of fabric and now I’m going to make my floppy pieces of fabric into a pocket by sewing them to each other, so I’m just going to sew all the way

Around the pocket bag and then up this bottom part. And then I’m going to surge those edges so that they’re not raw edges anymore. Pockets. Fresh. Hot. Insert pockets. And I went ahead and pressed it before I sewed it, because that means that these pocket slits will be nice and flat now.

And I just got to press this part, putting an emphasis on pressing on this video, because I feel like I don’t emphasize how much you should press stuff. But if you like, look. Look at this. I’ll just show you. Look at that. Does that look. Does that look nice to you?

Well, wait just one minute. See? That’s nice. That’s nice. That’s flat. and compare that to this. It’s a big difference. It doesn’t seem like it’s a big difference, but it’s a big difference. It makes it look so much better. Here’s my skirt. Very simple. Looks just like Frierens except no gold yet.

But pockets are in and it is ready to be sewn to the bodice. Except I also need to cut a slit in the back for the zipper I went ahead and I cut down the entire back of the skirt.

So now I can have a whole skirt seam because I do not trust myself to install a zipper by just cutting a slit and have that look good. No, we’re doing a whole seam Because I am going to try to actually properly install an invisible zipper to the point where it’s actually invisible.

But before I can do that, I need to get my bodice and my skirt sewn together. get this girly laid out, kind of get my skirt, play that out, All right. That’s all pinned together. now I just got to sew both of them together. Right through here. And there’s no gathering,

So it shouldn’t be super hard Anytime a skirt is, like, gathered. I always managed to get it looking really weird, and it never comes out right. But if you watched the JSK video I did last summer, I did a pretty smart technique on getting that skirt on

And that is the best installed gathered skirt that I have ever done. Most of the time I end up with at least one weird pucker. But this is fitting together pretty well, so hopefully we won’t have anything weird. Okay, Let’s see how I did, I did pretty good. I mean. Yes.

How is this? Somebody called Lizard leigh Because I think we’ve got. That one’s not great. This one is, though. I think we’ve got a blessed seem. I think I could call that a blessed Seam you get a perfect little square then it’s blessed and it’s good luck or something.

And if you don’t repost it, then it’s bad luck or something, something like that. Anyway. I’m going to press this open. And while I’m doing that, I’m going to prep my zipper because another thing you’re supposed to do when you do an invisible zipper install is

You’re supposed to actually iron the zipper teeth open so that you can actually get in there almost under the zipper teeth. when you sew it, you’ll see. But you’re just supposed to, like, use a light iron settings so you don’t melt the zipper and open it up a little bit.

And then I’m going to do my invisible zipper install, going to do it a way that I haven’t done before, that I’ve seen like three other people do it this way, and that actually makes it invisible. Okay. Zippers prepped. So this is the apparently how you do an actual actually good

And actually invisible invisible zipper technique. So instead of doing anything to the zipper, first, I need to get my two sides where the zipper is going to go. I need to get them right sides together. And I need to baste them together. A basting stitch is basically just a temporary stitch

That you’re going to take out later. So you want to do your longest stitch length on your machine so that there’s less stitches of it in general, so that it’s easier to take out later. Okay, we’re basted. So this back seam is just together. But the stitch is not like the permanent stitch.

It’s a temporary stitch. So now I’m going to press this whole seam open, So now I want to get my zipper and I’m going to pin it to just the seam allowance. So like you look, I’m not pinning it to the dress. I’m just pinning it to the seam allowance.

And then I’m going to take the rest of the zipper and line up the middle of the zipper with that seam. But I’m not just going to use the pins to hold it in there because the next thing I’m going to do before I machine sew

It is I’m going to hand baste the zipper tape to the seam allowance. You could just do the whole thing with pins, but I’m not gonna I’m going to do it the hand sewy way because it just means that you will probably get a well installed and probably invisible zipper.

But once the hand basting stitches were in, I’m going to take the machine basting stitches out so not the ones I just did, the ones that aren’t even on the zipper. and then to actually sew the zipper on to the seam allowance properly.

I’m going to get my invisible zipper foot, which is not like a regular zipper foot. It’s this weird little foot with a hole in it. And then at the bottom there’s a groove. The groove is where the zipper teeth go, so you got to line up the zipper teeth into the groove.

And then sew and I’m not doing a basting stitch anymore, so I want to use a regular stitch length. And regular stitch link is like 2.50, Then I’m just going to sew the zipper to both sides and we’ll see how it comes out. Okay.

I haven’t taken out the basting stitches yet, but let’s see how I did. How invisible is this invisible zipper? Damn that. Damn. That’s all I got to say is damn, no wonder I have seen several people do it that way. Because that F—-ing works.

Yeah, I got to cut out these extra yellow threads in here. And honestly, if you were feeling lazy, you could leave those. It’s not like they’re going to hurt you or anything, But yeah, that looks pretty good. So now the other thing is, you’ll notice I haven’t done any of the gold stuff

Yet, and that’s because my gold fabric is not here yet. But then the other thing is, with any kind of circle skirt, even a little baby one like this, we have some places that are cut on the bias So fabric is a bunch of threads woven together, right?

You’ve got threads going this way and they don’t stretch. You’ve got threads going that way and they don’t stretch. But on the bias, you have threads that can stretch. And when they’re on a skirt and they’re hanging down. What that stretching does is eventually gravity takes over

And pulls the hem down, making it so you have a part of your hem that’s longer than the other part of your hem, which is ugly. So whenever you cut a circle skirt, you need to let it hang for a day,

At least, if not a couple days, to let gravity take control of the bias and let it pull it as far down as it wants it to. So that way, if you get any stretching, you don’t always get stretching depending on the fabric. But if you do, you can just cut it off,

Level the hem out and then finish the hem and have it be nice and level. But I want to try this on because it looks really pretty. So hold on. Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Hup! Well, I can’t finish the zipper on my own, but. look at me. I got giant pockets.

I got a fully invisible zipper. Wow. This can say so far. This might be the cleanest cosplay I’ve ever made so far. I still have plenty of stuff to mess this up on, but so far, that’s the best zipper I’ve done in my life. Everything’s clean on the inside. Nothing is super weird.

This snack line looks great. Who am I? Where did I come from? yeah I got to let the skirt hang for a couple of days, and I guess I’ll start working on the Cape. actually, I’m going to do the trim instead because my gold fabric came. So it’s this really pretty gold brocade.

I got it on sale from Fabric direct. Normally, brocade is pretty expensive, but this was like nine bucks a yard. think this is where everything’s going to go wrong because this looks like it might be a little annoying to work with. I’ve never used a brocade before.

But from what I understand, they frey pretty bad. I just hope I bought enough of it because I need to cut probably almost all of this into bias strips. wouldn’t want to do trim like this on strips that were cut on the grain or the cross grain.

I know it’s the cross grain because it crosses over the selvedge It’s that finished edge of fabric. That’s the Selvedge both the grain and the cross grain. they don’t have any stretch. but the bias Look at that stretch.

It’s not a whole lot of stretch, but it’s enough to where the trim is not going to like fold over and look kind of weird on the curves of the cape and the skirt. The problem is, cutting things on the bias takes a lot more fabric because what

We got to do is we got to take our fabric and we got to find the 45 degree angle, which you usually just do by folding it at a 45 degree angle. And wow, that’s the bias. I only bought a yard of this fabric, but I need 116

Inches of ten inch wide bias strips because what I’m going to do with the bias strips is fold it four times. So the actual trim only needs to be two and a half inches wide, but I need four times that to get it to be double fold. Bias tape.

You need that much so your raw edges can fold in. And so they’re not on the outside. I need so much by a shape that I need to take this down to the kitchen floor because my table is not big enough for this piece of fabric.

I do also need a couple smaller strips for around the collar, but I’m asking use my quilting rulers to make sure they’re all the right size. Well, it turns out I can actually cut the bias today because all of my heat erase pens are out of ink lose my mind.

And the chalk will not work on the brocade. So I guess I am going to do the Cape now. So I also bought a pattern for the cape, but I still had to heavily alter it. I’ve done plenty of capes before, but I’ve only ever done like circle capes.

And I thought this would be a pattern for not a circle cape and more of a structured like slope off the shoulders cape. But it wasn’t. It was basically a circle cape. because I bought the pattern, I can’t really give you the pattern that I altered, but I can show you this.

This is the chunk that I took out of the pattern. If you buy the pattern that I bought, it was like $3 on sale. So you can buy that pattern and then screenshot this and cut this part out and you’ll get this.

So I have I don’t know why I cut the backs in two That was kind of dumb. I really should have cut the backs in one, but I’m going to have a center back seam. Doesn’t super matter. Here’s the backs here’s my fronts.

And then the collar is going to be a whole thing on its own for now, I’m going to get my center back seam sewn together and then I’m just going to get both of the side seams together and I’m press everything flat and then I can’t do anything

Until my friggin heat erase pens get here and I can actually cut that by is tape. But I will try it on. Here’s Cape. Yeah, I like it. It’s got a little bit of a floating ness, yeah, I knew this was going to work

Because I did a mock up for it because I changed the pattern. And if you change your pattern in any way, you should probably do a mock up. But now I have to wait because I can’t live without heat erase pens I absolutely refuse

To do my own damn fault I am working on a larger project that required me to mark out a really big pattern in heat erase pen and it ate like three of them. It’s fine. They’ll come tomorrow. Okay. I was right. This fabric is a pain in the ass.

So, first of all, I knew it was going to fray, so I cut the whole thing out with Pinking shears, which was a mistake, because it made my hands hurt really bad. But then I really about lost my mind when I started pressing the bias tape. So the first thing was I said I was going to cut them at ten inches and I didn’t. I ended up cutting them at seven inches and somehow

I measured wrong and some of them ended up at like five inches. So I was like, okay, I’m going to have it fold one inch on one side, and then it’ll fold into two and a half inches on both sides.

Well, because some of them got cut short, I ended up having to fold it really weird. It’ll look fine on the outside and then it will be like a shorter band on the inside. It should still work, right? Okay.

Then I got to the smaller strips and for those I was able to use my bias tape maker because these were just supposed to be half inch bias tape. So the strips were two inches wide, so they would fit in my regular bias tape maker.

Well, I started to press them and some of it went fine. But then at some parts, I guess they were cut a little too small and it just wouldn’t press so I ended up cutting even more strips a little wider But yeah, this fabric was really annoying to press. I don’t like it.

And for some reason, the gold threads on this are just, like, barely even woven into the fabric. I don’t know what you’re supposed to use this fabric for. Anyway, let’s get to how you install bias tape. So this is what normal double fold bias type looks like. Folds up like that. Yeah.

So this is what I’ve got. I’ve got like an inch of fold over on one side and then a double fold on the other side. But this is going to be stupid. This is not how you usually install bias tape. This is how you install

Weird bias tape that you made this way because you didn’t buy enough fabric. so the first thing is somewhere there’s a seam in this Yeah, there it is. There’s my little seam. And by the way, when you sewed together bias tape, you don’t generally do like a straight seam.

You actually take the ends and fold them diagonally so that you get a seam like that so that it’s nice and diagonal, so it’s a little less obtrusive. But I don’t want that in the dead center, so Ideally, like that seam over here But I’m going to figure out this placement.

And while I do that, I’m going to tell you how you normally install bias tape. So normally you unfold the whole thing, put it right on the edge of the fabric. and you sow it like really close to the first fold line. Once that’s on there, you then just flip everything around

And then you sew down the backside you can do the back side with the top stitch, a stitch in the ditch, or you can do it by hand. But this is super weird, so I can’t do that. So I need to get this placement on there.

To where this will be up here and this will end down here so that this part can fold over the raw edge. so stupid. Don’t be like me. Just actually make your bias tape the right size. All right? The whole thing’s pinned.

So now I’m going to run a line of stitches really close to that fold on this side. So not. Not here. I’m running it right here. Pretty close to that fold. and with normal bias tape, it’s a lot easier to line

This kind of thing up because it will just be at the edge of your fabric. But this is stupid bias tape, so I have to do this stupid. So now hopefully this should fold over. bottom edge should be able to go over bottom of the white skirt And if this was regular binding

Or if I had cut it right, this would go all the way up to here. And then we could just do one stitch across the top and the backside would be finished. because I have done this stupid binding. I’m going to finish this edge off by hand Because that way

I can just get the edge of the fold and the linen in a whip stitch and not pass through to the other side. Which means I won’t have another stitch on the front side, which will make it look nice and clean.

But if I had done this right, I would have been able to do it by machine. But I did it wrong. So now I have to do it by hand. But it’s a good thing this is only a quarter circle skirt or else this would take forever.

But once I’ve got the entire hem completely secure, I can move on to the sleeves. So I’ve got my sleeves prepped and ready and I’m going to do the cuff before I attach the sleeve to the dress, because it’s going to be a little easier that way. but

This is a pretty scuffed way to do this cuff. There’s proper ways to do a cuff, and then there’s whatever the hell I’m doing. So the cuff is like two gold bands and a white band in the middle.

So I’m doing that with piece of the linen and then I have a piece of the larger bias that I press out the double fold that I did, and I left the single fold on one side. And then I have a piece of what is now single fold bias tape.

That was one of the pieces that just wouldn’t press. it’s only got the edges folded down double fold as you fold it one more time. I’m going to use that for the strip at the top. I’m going to cut off some of these extra little gold threads that are just

Everywhere But I’m installing this pretty frickin weird. So this linen doesn’t have a right or wrong side, but I need to take this and unfold one of the edges, and sew it to the wrong side but it’ll make sense in a second. so now I have this.

And this part here is my wrong side. So what I want to do is take this and fold it over. I’m going to press it flat. So it lays completely flat like that. And then I’m going to top stitch the bottom edge of it. now that’s on there.

Now I just going to take the bigger piece and install it the same way I did it on the skirt. But this one, I don’t have to worry about the double folded part because all of that stuff at the bottom, I’m going to surge off and then it’s just going to go

Into the seam allowance of the sleeve. Okay, so this is ready to go now. Except I still need to make my little strap thing. I know the ones on the shoulders are called epaulets, but I don’t know what

You call it when it’s on a cuff, so I need to make the little cuff epaulet. So for this, I have a piece of the gold brocade, and then I’m lining it with some random gold ish fabric. You won’t ever see the underside of it, so it doesn’t matter.

I cut out a little pattern and then I traced around that. So now I just got to sew around my little shape, turn it inside out. and press it Flat. So I actually also ran a top stitch around the edges of this

There is like a line indication And if I was doing this properly and I had enough fabric, I would probably actually bind the edges of these. But I don’t have enough fabric to do that. But now I can actually put them together and this is where this gets scuffed.

So for this part, I’m just going to take this thing and put it in the middle of the cuff and Ow. and pin it on. And then I’m going to take my sleeve. I’m going to take the cuff I’m going to put it right sides together with the sleeve,

And I’m just going to sew it on across the bottom. That’s on. But now I’m also going to take this. Open it up and under. Stitch this seam allowance onto the actual sleeve piece. So this stuff here is getting folded up and sewn onto the sleeve okay,

This is where it gets really scuffed. This is not actually how you’re supposed to do this. So this cuff is folded outward. So if I just put this whole thing right sides together, right, and I sewed up through here, because this has to then fold outward.

I would end up with my seam allowance of the cuff on the outside. I don’t want that. what I’m going to do is I’m going to put the cuff right sides together and I’m just going to sew from the bottom of the cuff to the top of the cuff.

And not so any of the actual sleeve yet. So now I’m going to take it, turn it inside out. And yeah, my cuff is not lined up. Right. That is not blessed at all. But I don’t care. Anyway. I’m going to take the rest of this. This is so scuffed.

This is not how you’re supposed to do this. Don’t be like me, but this is what I’m doing. If you want to have a lazy cuff, this is what I’m doing. I’m going to take the rest of it and I’m going

To sew from the bottom of the cuff all the way down to the bottom. So now I have this, Which looks completely wrong, doesn’t it? Well, if I turn the whole thing inside out, I can now take the cuff flip it open and wow, it worked.

And look, you can’t even see the part where it didn’t line up at all because it’s inside the cuff. So here’s to cheating. If you want to see how to properly do a cuff. I did pretty good cuffs in the strawberry miku blouse video, so there’s some good cuffs.

But these are cheating cuffs with lots of loose threads. And also, guess what? I ordered the other sleeve oooOOOOooooo so now I can attach them to the dress. sort of put the sleeves on. I just took the dress and I turned it wrong sides out.

And then with the sleeve turned right sides out, I stuck the sleeve into the armhole, lined everything up, pinned it all together, took the cartridge off my machine so I could put the whole thing around the free arm and then just sewed around the armhole

And then did that to the other sleeve and. Well, now we have sleeves. It’s time to tackle the thing that I’ve been avoiding Finishing up the Cape. So I got to do the binding on the Cape before I can do the collar.

And this is going to go on the same way it did on the skirt, except I have two corners to do. A mitered corner and regular bias tape is not that hard to do, but a mitered corner on weird bias tape was a little hard to figure it out.

But I did a little test. I did figure it out and this is what I’m doing. So I already sewed the binding on up to the corner. And then when I got to the corner, I stopped. I pivoted and I went all the way to the edge of the corner.

Now this is the trick. basically the goal here, right? The way this has to fold in on itself so that it will go that way we basically need a 45 degree fold in here, but we don’t want that on the top. Right, because that looks bad.

Want the 45 degree fold, the end up underneath it. So we get this nice little point. so what I got to do is take this part and pull it all the way to the edge to where this now lines up with where it’s supposed to go.

And then once I get that pinned on, I just want to sew from this edge here across the corner and then keep on going like normal. now it looks like this, which might look wrong, but when you flip everything over What I should have

Is this nice little flat corner when it’s all folded. Right? And then on the back, what you do I’m having a little trouble doing the back side because this biased tape is weird. But essentially what you’re supposed to do is one side gets folded down this side also gets another little fold over

Like that, that corner is probably not going to be very pointy for me. But you do this with regular bias tape, you’ll have a lot easier time. But yeah, I’m just going to finish installing the bias tape the same way I did it on the skirt.

I’m going to sew it on all the way around. I’m going to get my other corner. and then I’m just going to sew the back side of it on my hand again, and then I’ll start working on the collar, which has actually slightly normal bias tape.

So while most of Frieren has been like totally normal clothing, one thing that is I’ve not seen that before and I don’t know how to do that is the collar And not because of like the shape of the collar. The thing that’s weird about the collar is that there’s binding that goes

Around the top, down one edge and then goes across the bottom of the collar. And I have an idea of how to do it. But it by no means is normal. but I have my collar pieces prepared I have two straight strips of fabric. They probably should be curved, but I don’t care.

So the big one is the lining of the collar and the smaller one is the outside of the collar. And then on the larger one, I also did some fusible interfacing on one side. You cannot really see it, but there’s like some lighter weight fusible interfacing on there.

Okay, this is where it gets weird. I have my double fold bias tape made out of demon brocade and I’m going to put it on just the outside of the collar, but I’m not going to put it completely on. Basically, when you do bias tape, there’s two steps.

There’s the initial step of unfolding it and sewing it onto the piece. And then there’s the second step of folding everything over. I am just going to do the first step so I’m going to get it unfolded and I’m going to sew it on all the way around the outside of the collar.

Yeah, despite this actually being cut like by this tape is supposed to be cut. This was still hell on earth to do but I got it on there. It might not be great, it might have an extra spot where the bias tape had to be separated because there was a part of this

That was so gnarly, so gnarly, and it was about to go into the corner. And no, anyway, but but I got it on there. It’s on here now and I don’t think I want to do anything to it yet

I think the way this is going to work for me is I want to take my lining piece I want to take my cape and I think I want to sew it wrong sides together. ooooOOooo, tho I need to make sure I know which side this goes on. I need my mock up.

Here’s my mock up. When I did this, I did the binding actually totally differently. I did the binding first, this side’s longer, so I want and my shirts that way Is the up correct? Yeah, the mockup is correct. Got to make sure I’m not good with my left and my right.

What I want no, that’s not what I want. I don’t think I want it right. I think I want it right side the wrong side. So I was wrong. This is the wrong side of the cape. I’m taking the right side of the collar and I’m putting it on

The wrong side of the cape. If it doesn’t work, you can’t blame me for trying. But if it works, then I’m a genius. Okay, All right, this is pinned so I’m going to sew them together this way, and hopefully it’ll work and not be a mistake.

It might be that I feel like it’s 5050. It could be either of those things. Okay, So now from the outside, I have a bunch of rough edges, I’m going to go ahead and press all of this stuff upward And the idea is that this

And its bias tape will cover all of the ugly stuff, Right? It’s pressed. So here’s the magic trick. So I’m to take the outside of the collar, going to get all of the bias tape open and I’m going to pin it

That the top edge is all line up and I’m going to keep the bias tape open. So now I’m going to sew together up this little corner. Go all the way across the top and down the other corner within the bias tape. So basically doing a stitch

Over the stitch that I did to get the bias tape on in the first place. And that is going to attach the outside of the collar to the lining of the collar. so now I have this. So what I should be able to do, I should be able to fold

The bias tape over And it should go pretty normally on the top side Yep. It’s doing what I want. Despite it being a demon fabric, then the bottom edge, I should just be able to fold it normally over that excess and then place it over all of those raw edges haha.

And it’ll end up looking like that And there’s no raw edges on the inside. Whew. So it was a crazy plan, but it worked. The only downside is now I need to finish the entire collar by hand sewing it. I’m going to whip stitch the bias tape across the top to secure it.

And if I’m feeling fancy, I might do a blind stitch or a ladder stitch on the bias tape on the bottom. but once I finish all the hand sewing on this collar I just got to get the little epaulets on and I made those the same way

I did the ones on the sleeves. And I’m just going to hand some of them on to the Cape. And then I got to hand sew all my buttons on and Frieren will be freaking done, Yeah, this really was the tale of two fabrics. The linen parts came out so perfect and clean,

And then the brocade parts are like, Don’t look too close or you’ll see the flaws. But I met the goal of making a small and comfortable cosplay, and I can fit my entire tripod in the pocket. And that’s enough for me. So I was almost done with this.

And then I saw that YayaHan posted her Frieren cosplay and I was just like, God, it’s so beautiful and so much better than mine. But then I was like, NU UH UH UH We don’t compare ourselves to other people, especially people that have more access and resources than we do.

The only person I should be comparing myself to is me, and that’s the best zipper I’ve ever done. But that’s also some of the worst binding I’ve ever done. But I did the best that I could do with the fabric that I chose, and that’s what actually matters.

But damn yaya you really did that. Look at that. It looks so pretty. Anyway, If you see how I did the wig for this cosplay, you should subscribe that video will be coming out soon. And if you want to support the channel directly, you should check out my Patreon

Where you’ll get a bunch of exclusive content, including new weekly livestreams for patrons. But if you’re just watching, liking, commenting, subscribing, sending the video to a friend of your mom or subscribing, then you’re supporting the channel too. So thank you. and a special thank you to our friend

Reid who came and helped shoot the outro footage that came out so good. I have linked his drumming YouTube channel in the description even though he told me I didn’t have to. But it is the second link under the link for today. Sponsor Squarespace.

Squarespace is all you need to create a beautiful professional website. There’s no coding required. Squarespace has this thing called fluid engine, which makes it so you can choose from professionally designed templates and then just drag and drop to make the website for whatever you need it for.

Here’s some footage of me in the starting stages of making a website for myself. And Squarespace is making it super easy for me to put together a little portfolio over my cosplay. but maybe you need a website for an online storefront. With Squarespace, you can sell physical, digital,

Or even service products right from your Squarespace site. and if you do like artist ally Booths and you have a square reader, you can hook that reader up to the Squarespace app. And then that syncs all of your in-person sales with your online store.

So all of your sales numbers and your inventory is all kept track of with the Squarespace site as a back end. So everything is in one place. So if you’re interested, go to Squarespace dot com and build your website entirely for Frieren.

And then when you’re ready a launch go to Squarespace dot com slash their space man and you’ll get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Thanks again to Squarespace for sponsoring this video and a big thank you to my newest, big support to your patrons. That’s right.

We’re not doing the two minute Patreon read anymore. I’m sorry. but a big thank you to moth that meows Adam James Jurgen Slack Eldalynne Mari Koneko Isidro Doe C FabricsExe Thank you so much for watching BYYYYE にアクセスすると、無料トライアルが適用され、Web サイトまたはドメインの初回購入が 10% オフになります。 映像を公開するには: 無料のパターンを入手するか、チャンネル Merch をサポートしてください! 質問やコミュニティについては Discord に参加してください! 新しいマシンを購入してください: (これはアフィリエイト リンクです。このリンクを使用して Web サイトで何かを購入すると、売上の一部が私に与えられます)マントのパターン: ボディスのパターン Sleeve-leather-dress-digital-pdf?ref=yr_purchases 他のサイズの同様の胴着パターン =gallery&ga_search_query=princess+seat+bodice+pattern&ref=sr_gallery-1-11&pro=1&dd=1&search_preloaded_img=1&organic_search_click=1 0:00 – イントロ 0:16 – 自分でストライプ生地を作る方法 8:09 – インサートポケットを追加する方法スカート 12:14 – 見えないジッパーの取り付け方 18:52 – ブロケードは悪魔 20:59 – フリーレンのマントを作る 26:44 – 擦り切れた袖口 31:38 – ケープの束縛 38:16 – 音楽を披露: Lud の音楽をいくつかと Schlatts Musical Emporium ほとんどのトラックはここから来ました: Animal Crossing 風の音楽: サウンドクラウド: https: // ドラマティック ブラス ミュージック: 一部の音楽は Epidemic Sound から提供:


  1. As a professional seamstress it makes me so happy to see someone cheat while sewing because I also do it all the time 😂 Like yeah I know how to properly make things but it’s a cosplay that I’ll only wear a handful of times and no one will undress me to see the insides so YEAH MAKE IT AS SIMPLE AND FAST AS POSSIBLE 😎

  2. watching you while sewing a cosplay that was supposed to be easy but became hell, YOU HELPED SO MUCH AUGJ I NEEDED LIKE HALF THE THINGS YOU DID IN THE VIDEO THANK YOU 😭😭

  3. Tip for brocade, chiffon, organza and pretry much any poly fabric is to run it thru a flame after cutting. You have to be a little careful with brocade because of the loose threads, but it works wonders. I keep a lighter and tealight candle in all my sewing kits just for polyester fabrics.

  4. I feel like I'm having PTSD flashbacks to my Lady Maria cosplay that, you guessed it, used brocade. That fabric is a nightmare. I somehow also purged from my memory the misery, and used the leftovers to make a vest. The vest came out beautifully, but the struggle was real. Also, just hand sewed the bias tape on a double circle skirt and a single circle skirt so… I feel your pain. 😅

  5. The skirt segment

    "Ooouh I would've done a half circle personally" Sarah says she should've done a half circle skirt "JINX!!!"

    It looks very sweet! Also brocade is the devil yes, even if it looks good.

  6. me watching sarah explain weaves and biases for the 100th time 🤩 (jkjkjk 😂 ive been waiting for a new video from you since binging your entire channel recently i adore your content TT TT)

  7. its always a joy seeing you upload!!! its gotten to the point where I sometimes make watching a video of yours a reward for finishing everything I needed to do in the day LMAO- thank you for making such awesome content, the cosplay is so pretty!!! and that invisible zipper is incredible my mouth dropped wide open lol.

  8. You should do matching cosplays with snips and pins I think that’d be so cool! (For example all genshin characters or just from any fandom)

  9. That is a great invisible zipper install! As someone who has struggled with asking too much of my invisible zippers, GSTQ Fashions saved my butt when they mentioned HEAVY DUTY invisible zippers. I only use those now, I don't care if they only come in two colors. They're invisible lol and don't fail at the con!

  10. Hey love your videos. Don't know anything about sewing but when you zipped up that invisible zipper, I felt something. Great work! btw is there a staff video coming?

  11. just finished up a cosplay where i too ended up doing botched bias tape installation and sleeve cuffs lol… solidarity. hey, if no one can see it, it don’t matter! love the video 🙂

  12. Definitely gonna use that zipper trick in the future ! I took a clothing construction class last semester and was working with an industrial machine and learned how to install an invisible zipper. But the pinning was the hardest part 🫠 we used flat pins tho without the head ! Because those are thinner it makes sewing with them a little less difficult but still annoying haha

  13. As a german native speaker, it's really weird seeing a random word used as a name, especially if you have no connection to the character 😅
    It's like the "I'm hungry" – "Hi hungry, I'm dad" joke, but hungry is your actual name

  14. How absolutely in character of Sarah to make a simple enough looking cosplay into a painful process. Also idc what anyone else says the opening music is a BOP! <3

  15. Oh my gosh- This came out so amazing!!
    And that zipper is honestly a work of art 😩💚
    I hope you don’t mind me asking- did you make your prosthetic ears, or did you order them from somewhere? I’ve been looking for a pair for my Zelda cosplay and the ones you have look lovely!

  16. I wouldn't say that Yaya Han's is "better" than yours. Hers is a detailed extrapolation on the character's design, while yours is close to what the animation actually looks like. Both executions of the design are valid. Also Yaya's almost definitely has a short petticoat under it to help with the skirt floof, which isn't hard to source.