Cosplay ASMR – Elven Mage Frieren Saves YOU! ♡ Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End Roleplay

Hello hey can you hear me so you’re still alive that’s good but I don’t know how long you’ve been here in the snow I I can save you don’t worry I just need to get you in the warmth very quickly you need to warm up as fast fast as possible or else you

Might die of hypothermia and we don’t want that there’s a cabin nearby I will get you there I can carry you but some magic will do the trick so let me take care of you you’re awake I’m glad I was worried there for a second hey shh it’s okay you’re safe

This cabin is safe and warm so you can relax but tell me what way you’re doing out there is there a reason you’re all alone and take you know this region is very dangerous and you shouldn’t Trav it all on your own that’s way too dangerous no one should do that

H me I’m not alone my party that I’m traveling with they are getting supplies right now but they should be back soon anyway what about you you don’t know what do you mean by that you don’t remember so you’re lost human lost in the snow all alone without memories how they got

There that’s a little bit suspicious not you you’re not suspicious but your situation is I’m worried that someone might did something bad to you and then erased your memory anyway what’s your name it’s nice to meet you my name is freden and I’m an elen Mage you

Surprised well there aren’t many left of my kind so you’re not the only one who reacts like that it’s pretty normal well can I take a closer look at you I want to see if you’re okay good let’s see how do you feel so you’re still cold and

Dizzy well I might be able to help I carry a lot of potions with me in my trunk so I’m pretty sure I will find something that might help you let’s see okay this this this should help this is a warming potion it sort of works like a warming bottle but from the

Inside you should drink a little bit of this don’t worry I’m not gonna poison you this should help all right with that you should be feeling better in no time but it’s still weird that you don’t have any memories I really do have this weird feeling that someone did erase your

Memory I really hope that it’s not the case but do you have any enemies that might want to harm you that’s weird H what I’m doing here my party and I are heading somewhere we are on a journey to ODU and Enda I’m intending to meet someone there

Have you ever heard of the hero him of course you have I’m hoping to find him there I know it sounds weird but I have this feeling that I will see him there well anyways how do you feel is the potion working is I’m so glad well you’re lucky I always carry so

Many things in my trun speaking of it I might have something in there that could help you even more let’s see this is not the right one this one is for removing clothing on a person’s body it’s a pretty funny gift isn’t it but it won’t help us in this situation so wrong

Motion okay let’s see oh I got this one from an old lady when I was helping her out with a yard I think it’s some sort of Love Potion I don’t think I will ever use it but it’s nice to have it but this won’t help us right now either so where is

It this is what I was searching for a memory restoring potion the thing about this is that it only restores memories from 24 hours ago so it’s not guaranteed that it will help you but you should try it so let’s not waste more time okay okay you should drink half of this okay

Good okay good and do you feel change not yet maybe it will take a while until it works so we should just rest and wait and see what happens I really hope for you that you will gain your memories back I’m getting really tired you know what I’m going to take a

Nap and you wake me up when the others come right good because I really need some rest it’s been a long day okay I can rely on you to wake me up right okay then good night

これはすべて架空の人物として演じています。 ASMR / エンターテイメントのみを目的としています。 楽しむ! 🙂 💖 Patreon → ✨ Instagram → 🎭 Tik Tok → cos 🎁 王座ウィッシュリスト → ASMRとは何ですか? 自律感覚経絡反応 (ASMR) は、皮膚のチクチクする感覚を特徴とする経験を表す用語であり、通常は頭皮から始まり、首の後ろと脊椎の上部に伝わります。 ASMR ビデオは、リラクゼーションやエンターテイメントの目的でも使用できます。 #ASMR #CosplayASMR #TizuAsmr 画像とビデオ素材には次の Web サイトを使用しています: /


  1. Hey everyone! c: I'm back with another cosplay ASMR video, this time it's from my favourite anime from last and current season: Frieren: Beyond Journey's End

    Are you watching it? If not, I highly recommend it. It's REALLY good! :3

    Unfortunately the video turned out way too short, I'm so sorry! I intended it to be much longer, but I had some issues that day ^^" Next video will be longer!!

    I hope you still enjoy the video. ♡

  2. You know, Frieren is an anime that surprised me more than once. Im still watching it, but it already became a favorite. As always, is redundant to say how awrsome your cosplay looks. You did a great job, keep it up!

  3. I haven't heard of this anime, but now I'm intrigued! I'll have to check it out. Love the video, Tizu! Amazing as always! 😊