Gina Carano ATTACKED BY COSPLAYERS | Woke Activists Try To BAN Actress From FAN EXPO Over SAFETY

Oh my God all right let’s get into the stuff man so listen um apparently it’s The Fan Expo coming up right and people are doing people are doing what they’re doing right so kind of like what happened last time with uh Gina Coran I forgot what other convention she was

Going to where they tried to get her removed and they were unsuccessful um this one they’re trying to do it again and what they’re saying is just it’s it’s really really stupid right so I think I think you guys would understand better if you just saw the

Video so I’m going to play the video first and then we will have obviously a little dialogue about it uh this is from Global NewsHour okay so Global News let’s make sure the volume’s high because you’re definitely going to want to hear this it’s a two-minute video all

Right let’s play it and try not to uh cringe so hard I I’m sorry ahead of time chat I’m sorry like this costume cosplay has a lot of layers it really does give an Avenue for self-expression time out really quick I just want to preface this

That the people who are going to talk about diversity and and apparently um a safe space for people of color are literally all white like both of them are white females everybody everybody in this thing is white women everything here is white women talking about safe spaces for people color all right let’s

Get into it hold on uh I apologize for Canada oh my God all right let’s let’s jump into it creativity uh therapy but there’s growing concern plans for an upcoming event go against the fabric of the community one of the few safe spaces that we have no longer

Feel safe three days ago Fan Expo Vancouver I told you try to contain got a contained container page announcing Gina corano as one of this year’s guests I was excited and then this happened Lena redlick is not alone pause it pause it pause it pause it oh my God Jesus Christ go ahead

Go ahead goad let it out chewing on melan Max butter sticks or [ __ ] she’s a Chu T I mean her teeth is worse than mine this this whole thing about conventions being safe spaces I’ve been going to conventions for over 20 years they have always been the opposite of

That like until this recent movement conventions have been full of degeneracy there were [ __ ] there there were um like like vendors that would sell wooden panels to run around smacking other attendees asses with like there has literally been no such thing until the last five years of safe spaces and

Conventions like that is you guys actually [ __ ] Li do you guys actually sorry man go I was going to say I’ve been to ComicCon the last two years you don’t see people like that there at all yeah that’s what I was saying do you actually these are the [ __ ] people

Who go actors like the the way the whole setup how she was trying to insert the argument it’s like a typical you know it’s it’s it almost looked like an acting exercise that you do sometimes it sounded very like very staged yeah she looks like x-ray girl put on 500 pound I

Mention had something called a slave auction and what the slave auction was so like it’s it’s it was [ __ ] hilarious so they had their own in-house brand alcohol called Mojo and what they would do is they would have scantly clad women get up on a stage and you would

Bid real money like people were bidding thousands of dollars to have these girls they would follow you around the entire con giving you all you can drink alcohol would have to do anything you said as long as it was not like illegal and sexual they would just have bikini clad

Mad women that you would bid on to be your alcohol servants for a [ __ ] weekend it was awesome so I don’t wantes at conventions when they had [ __ ] alcohol exactly my role playing game days like okay maybe I’m very old school but it was really wild back then

I mean it was just a crazy bunch of like stupid insane people like pretending silly game Adventures for 48 hours straight without leaving the the the hall so it was absolutely there was no safety in there it was all crazy and all messy and nobody was actually taking

Care of like where you’re coming from what your sexuality is like interpret the character and shut up D it was great I was taking I was taking a taxi to the con and the the driver was black and I didn’t realize it and I was talking to

My buddy who had never been to a convention I was like dude I can’t wait for the slave auction tonight and I saw the driver in the rear view like oh [ __ ] he has no welcome this is your destiny God bro that is crazy all right let’s let’s keep

Playing it try to contain the cringe I know it’s hard is not alone in the nearly 500 comments on the post those plan to attend are expressing their I want to pause it just to read the comments so you got gross move as a non-binary sick cosplayer no thank you

Hell no is this a year to boycott I think it might be none of these people actually go to the and if they do they’re not really going to boycott these are the same people who are like if Trump gets voted for President I’m leaving the United States that’s what I’m

Saying should boycott it because nothing will change at all C this is this is clear manipulation if you want us to see the comments uh globalist news Outlet show us the [ __ ] comments and zoom in none of this manipulative [ __ ] that you’re bringing up for all we know those three comments could be

[ __ ] from the same person yeah they could all be from their own personal fake accounts that they made to try to bolster a narrative but um let me they could all be from Leon probably disappointment writing gross move as a non-binary cosplayer no thank you and

Hell no is this the year to boycott I think it might be they should know who is their target audience being young people her lives are sced man sced enormous slap to the face wait what so me and Coach can both tell that [ __ ] is she her lines are scripted

If you’re trans does that count as cosplaying that’s what I refer to D excellent point it’s cosplay in itself so it’s cosplay inside of cosplaying wow you’re a m genius the creature is literally reading from a script or yeah you I mean can tell where her eyes are

Yeah as a Canadian and this is a Canadian news where they like this is the everyday it’s like this is how they talk every day in the schools everywhere you know J calling yourself American I don’t I don’t think you’re going to get very far acknowledging or Canadian just say

You’re American because you’re part of North America you’re still did your prime minister actually declare that he was about to roll out this madness over you guys or did you voted for him because you were like sincerely believing that he was uh not me I don’t

I don’t want to be part of the Wii well I’m still stuck on what she said though because she said that that they are alienating their target audience who are let me let me just play it again who is their target audience being young people Que not thear a

People it was just an enormous slap to the face so the target audience apparently is young people queer people and lgbtq I thought not Comics fans Not nerd you cannot have a convention that caters to 7% of the [ __ ] population boss this is like a dynamite stick for

Me I mean it’s really impossible to to you know to hold back on on such an amount of cringe in so many in so few sentences she she didn’t say comic fans at any point it’s because they’re not they don’t really go to this stuff because they’re fans of us being shown

Bro some of these cosplayers yeah she’s definitely an actor this whole thing screams fake especially the first woman that they were interviewing the the white woman it all screams fake it’s very would be the first to take pictures with Gina Carano if she would really

Show up there she would melt in front of her face come on give me a break I don’t feel safe by her pres these these cons all it’s become uh about is you know look at me look at me like like it’s not even Comics anymore like you you’ve

Taken artist alley and you put it in the far Corner in the back not all Comic Cons no this Con here Fan Expo it’s it’s not even about Comics anymore it’s all about uh cosplay it’s all about getting actors there to so people can get in

Line and pay ah we got something similar Mii too true yeah yeah yeah you’re you’re paying you’re paying 1,500 bucks to go see to you know get two minutes with an actor then you’re and then you’re buying more Manga and Anime stuff which is great but it’s not it’s not

This originated from comiccons and now they’ve taken this and they’ve blown it up to make this agenda driven [ __ ] and it’s well you can blame you can blame me for that I mean if I anytime I go to Dragon here in Atlanta I’m going to see ass I’m not going to see comic

Books I’m sorry I blame yeah I I don’t know that it did originate from comic books to be fair because I mean you’ve had ccii cons just as long as you had blame princess Le Return of the Jedi yeah but the comic cons like the were

The big cons like they were the they were the everyone went to those like the wizard cons like San Diego con like those were huge and then like it just became this you know exaggeration of [ __ ] it’s just I mean the people who are complaining are the cosplayers right

That that’s that’s yeah because it’s all about them it’s all about them they want they want all the attention on them that’s like when I went to The Last Comic Fan Expo I went to I I was just shaking my head because it’s like what

Are we doing here like this is like this is stupid it’s just a bunch of little twins it’s a bunch of twins and girls running around in little dresses and it’s just like and then they you know wonder why they’re getting looked at and it’s just like like I I got I got

Audience y’all know I gotta disagree with my boy Jil I’m sorry man it’s a it’s like an all it’s like an all ass you can eat buffet when you go up in there didn’t wrong like yeah KH have been like that for a long time and I I

Think that you Cong goers can be incredibly narcissistic I think most conventions they they don’t care they’re genuinely there just to to serve the fans invite the celebrities invite the vendors you know get get your comics signed by some artists go buy some some you know obscure anime figurine that was

Imported from Japan uh you know play Dungeons and Dragons in the back room like that’s still to this day what most Comics what most cons are I’ve only missed two episodes of this show since I’ve been on one of them was to go to a

Con and bro I tell you what Leon bro if I ever go to a comic comic book convention with you and you take your ass to the back and [ __ ] play D dragon all these badass women out here I will beat your like I was it I was it the most

Recent uh con that I went to it was it was a con based around card games mostly and like I swear to God I saw 30k deals going down uh at an Afterparty over Pokemon cars like people were drinking highend scotch and doing literal thousands upon thousands of dollars of

Deals of these Pokemon cards from the 90s like they are still literally catering to what legit nerd that is high level nerdism if if a trus ever went to a to a con he’d get arrested he literally would he would cause trouble he would augle the women

And he would be arrested can’t control himself no no yes he can’t control himself no he can’t he admitted that himself exactly exactly never happened only Ryan’s fine 2069 you gota understand Ryan thinks about black people all the time like non-stop assess nonstop I think you’re very dangerous people H Hy you theater

In the 50s Ryan because all I’m getting from you is projection I’m sorry I’ve never been to a theater this these cons have become cash grabs they’re not they’re they’re not fun anymore damn a whole another minute and a half to go [ __ ] yeah no it’s it’s it’s bad it’s have something

Somewhat relative to the actual topic uh well first off only fans Expo but uh my homie drunk 3PO he’s actually the the manager or whatever you call it for Gina Crono at these conventions and he says her line is the longest every time so they can pretend like oh this is going

To ruin she’s gonna have the longest line of course 7000 people even if even if these people aren’t actors and this is true they would be the first to stand in line to get pictures on an autograph from her because they know it raises in value and because they’re attracted to

You know stardom I mean this is what they’re there for they they want to they want to see their icons also absolutely all right let’s play this and try to finish it the actress is best known for her work in the Mandalorian and Deadpool but after she took to social media comp

Comparing being a conservative today to being Jewish in Nazi Germany Disney quickly cut Pano never addressed her firing only further fueling the controversy posting transphobic anti-mask and conspiracy theory related content give us anle give us an example of any the that she [ __ ] pedal news you want to go ahead and claim that

She’s been doing that give us an example because I follow Gina corano we all follow Gina corano no she doesn’t post conspiracy theory [ __ ] she post most legitimate stuff like yeah right but I think is like she didn’t address her firing but she definitely did multiple times even called out literally all the

Executives and just exposed them for a bunch of [ __ ] we’re staring we’re staring our enemy in the face folks so learn from their manipulative [ __ ] tactics and find folks such as yourselves watching can take out this nonsense because it’s plain to see the one thing they not mention is the

Kathleen Kennedy and Iger circling back and begging konto to come back to Star Wars and everything but they won’t mention that because they’re failing they won’t mention that good point yeah they they’ve been trying to get her back because the numbers are are so bad with Star Wars they wanted Gina corono back

And they were like I think they were giving her double or like the salary or I I I don’t know exact details but Kathleen Kennedy was begging for her to come back no it’s definitely she was supposed to technically if they got their way she was supposed to be in the newest season

But they never supp own show yeah not stup she knows she knows like if she goes back that’s going back to the devil like you’re not you’re not you’re G to go back for them to just screw you over again at a moment’s notice there’s no reason to do that why

Would you want to go help them that makes that makes no sense no sense I do like how they try to make this entire thing sound super Sinister though like all these new yeah they tried to make it seem like all these kids are just like

So afraid like J somewhere under a table the placement is great like they they followed up that conspiracy line with showing kids playing at the con like look at all these kids it’s going to flash into like theano’s there like yeah sure but they’ll never Blood come down the screen

These people will never go to the con and film the actual reaction of Gina corano they’ll talk about it yeah in the hopes to try to get her canceled from it but then when they don’t succeed they just be like all right moving on you know they never show the the aftermath

New sites like these will paint People Like Us who support Gina corano as monsters and take bits of said out of context yes I am a monster especially to atraeus as people but in all seriousness these people are liars these people are omitting bastards and the sooner we

Bring them down the better especially in Canada where the disease has has spread hey hey that’s that’s a benevolent dictatorship they have thank you very much also uh a little more insight so so junk 3PO and absolute sweetheart Gina also an absolute sweetheart she’s actually a bit a bit friends with Gamers

And uh if you didn’t know when she was uh letting the cat out of the bag after that South Park episode uh exposing everyone is she kind of mentioned it but didn’t go too deep into it uh Disney exec were trying to get her to unfollow people on Twitter and those people were

Like Nerd rotic and Geeks and Gamers and stuff yeah correct more than that it was also like the daily wireing was well wasn’t it like the individuals like that are legitimately in in political spaces not not just like tangental nerd political stuff yes that’ll kind of lead into the echo conversation too it’ll

Lead into the echo conversation because that’re we’re going to talk about all that [ __ ] um let’s finish this video now there’s fear those views will infiltrate what’s supposed to be an inclusive Gathering oh shut the [ __ ] of Gina corano I’m just genuinely worried it’s just going to turn into yet

Another safety concern and issue for everybody who could be at risk here this petion more than signatures is now circulating calling on organizers to remove corano from the lineup in a statement Fan Expo Vancouver made no indication they would be doing so writing every participant including special guests will be

Expected to uphold the same code of conduct to create a safe environment for everyone what do they mean by yeah I don’t want to go like I ah then stay wait until the fandom is able to stitch together for all St bro okay so do they not know the meaning of the word

Inclusive like you are trying to say that you want to be more inclusive by removing someone and not including them that just doesn’t it doesn’t make any sense so their logic is I exclude someone and therefore who who who rests feels more inclusive that makes absolutely no sense

ジーナ・カラーノ、コスプレイヤーに襲われる | 覚醒活動家らが安全を理由に女優をFAN EXPOから出入り禁止にしようとする🔵ゲスト出演者付き: 特別ゲスト付き: 🔵@dragonslayercommentarieshq – 🔵@ ryanrogerathay1999 – 🔵@Atraes – 🔵@thecoachmcstudio – 🔵 @thatgirlcasey – 🔵@boltthewords – 🔵@filmrebel – 🔵@diabolicalsoulspresents – 🔵@willofthefans – 今すぐ登録して、チャンネル登録者数 100,000 人を目指しましょう! 今すぐ Hypnotic のメンバーになって、特別な絵文字や特典を手に入れましょう!: 🔴すべてのソーシャルをフォローしてください🔴:催眠yt


  1. How about banning truly violent or threatening people in stead of non-violent people who have never attacked or threatened anyone. If you don’t FEEL safe or you FEEL threatened by someone presence who has never advocated violence, then stay at home in your coloring book room.

  2. Last time i visited Dutch Comic Con there was this stand selling flags of all the imaginary genders.
    I asked him for a black/orange straight pride flag (knowing full well he didn't sell them) and he was like "HAHA! You're SO funny! Move along, smartass!"

    How inclusive 😆

  3. 1:50 in the video, I'm utterly amazed at how a perfectly healthy young lady could be so messed up. Nothing more than a product of her environment and why does she need her "Safe Space"

  4. Why is she talking about her safe space like Gina Carano is out there actively hunting and shooting the pronoun community like John Wick? How about she not go to the booths she doesn't like?

  5. As a Canadian I will tell you that CBC, Global, CTV are all completely subsidized by the government. Also we don't want vote for who becomes Prime Minister. The party that gets the most seats in an election picks who the prime minister will be perio.

  6. For a society that claims they love strong woman and freedom,this woke mob is really afraid of strong women like Gina and free speech.
    Like,you dislike someone? Good,dont go to their panel at Comic con. Done. Why the fuck do they protest against someone attending? Where is freedom for everyone that they want?

  7. they act like gina is gonna show up and start punching people in the face now i get it gina is a fit woman but are you really afraid of a strong independent woman? i though thats what we need MORE of in this country? can we get that narrative straight before we shove it down peoples throats?

  8. Yo these people fuckin disgust me!! They wanna regress society so goddamn badly they should all have their fuckin way, get in a time machine, go back to 1945 and get fucking STUCK THERE! Meanwhile, here in the present, in REALITY, we can get back to a much better time where we were before all this sick woke ideology and propaganda. And keep ACTUALLY progressing, while having fun, as we were. FUCK this woke sickness!!

    EDIT: My bad sometimes I lose my short temper directly after seeing some dumb shit like this. They made me angry, “they wouldn’t like me when I’m angry”.

  9. The best thing to do is to call out this nonsense not only on vieos like this but also on social media like Twitter X where you can do so with low risk of retribution.

  10. If there are dangerous people, police reports would have existed. Anime Matsuri were apparently aware of Jamie Marchi's support for school shootings, but decided to have her anyway.

  11. I want to welcome Gina Carano at my town and be a spokeswoman about anti-cancel culture to a university where KK graduated so she can stick it up to KK.

  12. I've met Gina and Drunk 3PO, and they were too cool and nice. Hell, Gina autographed a poster for myself and my little dragon, Reggie. My folks framed the photo I took with Gina. These supposed news outlets need to do actual fact checking before they get canned.

  13. Gina carano is an actual strong independent women that stands for her beliefs and they hate her.
    It’s ironic that all Disney makes anymore are those types of movies/shows.

  14. These dip shits are so afraid of their own fricken shadows, its amazing ANY of them have the courage to even get out of bed each morning. If I had the opportunity to go to one of these cons and meet someone like Gina, I would. I dont totally agree with everything she says, but then who does agree with everything ANYONE says? Fine, you weak minded losers stay home and let the rest of the community have their day. Your boycott only makes room for those that actually want to be there, not just to get attention!

  15. White Saviors acting like races and sexes need to be rescued by them is actually more racist and sexist than fullblown hate groups. Hate is envy. Charity is pity. Every act of wokeness is an act of demeanment. Take it as an insult, because it is.

  16. I'm actually afraid for Gina.

    Some weirdo might attack her then claim victimhood.

    Anywho, I, a black (technically dark brown) man wish I could attend to see Carano.

  17. Are these cosplayers required to attend this event ? NO Seems the OBVIOUS answer is IF you dont feel safe ….DONT ATTEND . Problem solved .

  18. What about a 'safe space' (GOD I hate saying those word together… 😠) for Gina???… All she ever did was say the TRUTH… But then again, it's Canada… The First Amendment (and obviously the 2nd and 4th… evident with the resent actions of Trudeau… ) DO NOT apply there… Only agenda, only THE STATE.