今日のビデオをスポンサーしてくださった SGFdevices に感謝します。 ウェブサイト @ https://sgfdevices.com/ をチェックし、チェックアウト時にプロモーション コード ROOFLEMONGER を使用してください。 というわけで、長い間伝説的だったストリートファイター 6 の衣装 3 がついに登場しました。衣装自体は素晴らしいです! 苦情はありません。 ただし… 購入方法の性質上、コスチュームをすべて合わせたコストが高いため、誰もがあまり満足していないので、それについて話しましょう 0:00 – イントロとスポンサー 1:29 – たくさんありますグッドニュース! 4:25 – 主な論争 ————— –Twitter @ https://twitter.com/rooflemonger –Twitch @ https://www.twitch.tv /rooflemonger –Rooflemonger の猿のグッズ! @ https://teespring.com/stores/rooflemonger –Patreon でチャンネルのサポートにご協力ください! https://www.patreon.com/rooflemonger 何でも役に立ちます! 安物のパサパサのパンの代わりにまともなパンを買うのを手伝ってください! –クリップチャンネルをチェックしてください! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuXN4z1dAXfuhwpNlqfismQ/videos #gaming #streetfighter #sf6


  1. So this wasn't the planned video for today. Ideally the plan was just to be like "hey costumes are out, lets showcase some of the sick costumes/colours" and then there turned out to be a big hullabaloo about the pricing. The outfits themselves? Great, fantastic even, very very well done. However the fact that you are forced to double dip to buy a single costume, and there's absolutely no discount if you wanna get them en masse has caused quite a bit of a stir, so that's what we are talking about in todays video

  2. I really wish people would stop acting like these companies can't shit in their face and they'll ask for a second helping of shit because that's literally what what the materialistic propaganda they consumed all their lives have programmed them to do

  3. How is 6 bucks a costume ok? That's 1/10th what the entire game is… You can't tell me the ammount of work that goes into the whole game goes into a single costume per character…. or twice the ammount the game is worth if you get them all…Shit like that is supposed to be unlocked after you beat arcade mode with each character…

  4. Why do all the people doing videos on this not have a problem with the cost of the costumes? $6+ PER OUTFIT is absurd. It should have been at absolute maximum like $20 for the whole bundle. Both Capcom and Netherrealm need a painful reality check, and fast. I'm already sick of this shit.

  5. If I refused to pay that much for the dead or alive costumes (my favorite fighting series) there's no way that I would do it for a game that isn't my favorite series. Im sad.

  6. I haven’t been playing the game much, new character or customers normally bring me back… but having to pay a million bucks just to have all costumes is a huge turnoff.

  7. The company is setting the prices to maximize their profits. That's what they are doing. I remember when the first SFIV costume bundles were launching for $5 for 4 costumes. I decided I didn't need goofy extra costumes that badly. But most people bought them. So they keep jacking the prices. Believe me, they are basing these prices on all kinds of data they are collecting about the % of people who are willing to pay. So why would we be mad at Capcom? If people are willing to pay to get the costumes why would they not sell them? If you want to be mad, be mad at people who buy them. Or even better, stop being covetous about things you don't want to pay for.

  8. Both the video and the comment from you on this video say a lot. There’s a lot of “the pricing, FOR SOME, may be an issue”.

    I’ve been really loving your videos over the last year. But there has to be an acknowledgment that the people watching this are not getting sponsored by a fight stick money. We’re not making our living in the FGC. We’re die-hard fans that are getting bled out by Capcom and NRS. We can’t write off our purchase of these costumes as business expense for our YouTube channel. We just want to have full access to the game we bought and love.

  9. Ah anti consumer way of thinking will always be a thing. I can assure you it’s a strategy, first they do this to see who bites and sell as many overpriced tokens as possible. Then they drop the price and release bundles so everyone thinks it’s a great deal. It will end up in 20 bucks. When that time comes you will get an offer for the third DLC set overpriced but with all costumes available for $39,99. I’m still waiting to buy this games until its less than $30, it will drop surely before March.

  10. Don't mind looking at the costumes. I just feel bad for the people who bought but as they say "every moment sucker born, so suck on this" This was a big fuck you to the fans so I gotta ask Do we have the guts to give them one back? Are we bad enough?"

  11. I suppose they can charge whatever they want but I miss being able to earn in game items. It was a way of showing your dedication to the game, not just showing how much money you're willing to invest.

  12. I had complained about this as far back since Street Fighter 4. But folks kept defending that practice.

    Now it’s getting worst despite the warning that knew the outcome. Most players have been played like fools.

  13. The price of costumes is the least of their problems. Still not touching rhis game until they get rid of one button special moves. Thats shit is retarded

  14. Bro, even as a single it's very expensive.
    You are saying that 8 dolars are justified enough? It's like 10 % of the game price.
    It's like saying it's ok the resources needed for this costume are 10% of the game. Maybe it's not a justified comparation.
    But the thing is that each costume should be price accordingly for the effort and resources. 3 dolars maybe… 4 tops.
    I'm getting tired of these inflated prices.