こちらの WEBTOON で「See You in My 19th Life」を読んでください: https://bit.ly/3O4Vvnd (WEBTOON のアプリと Web サイトで完結したシリーズを読むことができます!) これは、私の初めての Anime Expo の vlog です!! 初めてコスプレに挑戦しましたが、コンベンションではとても楽しい時間を過ごしました。このビデオを通して楽しんでいただければ幸いです:) Anime Expoに行ったことがあるか、または「See You in My 19th Life」のファンであるかどうかを教えてください。 😀 いつもご視聴いただきありがとうございます。次のビデオでお会いしましょう!! 愛して、ニーン。 ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ キャプション翻訳 ➤ ここでこのビデオのキャプション翻訳を投稿できます: (近日公開予定!) 私のウェブトゥーンをここで読んでください 愛し愛されるために: https://bit.ly/3RehsOK 割引コード ☆ YesStyle: https://bit.ly/2YGwpyj 10% 割引コード: NINA2023JULY 私のコードを使用すると、$49 以上の購入で 10% オフになります 🙂 まで有効です: 2023年7月30日 SOCIALS ☆ twitter: ninaeyu ☆ instagram: ninaeyu ☆ art instagram: somiyudraws ☆ webtoon: SOMIYU ☆ tiktok: ninaeyu ☆Spotify: neenzus このビデオは WEBTOON によってスポンサーされています!


  1. I hate this video anymore, not because of you; because of a spider? While i was watching this video a spider which has has long legs walked on my phone? I WAS LIKE WTF, its really traumatic for me.

  2. I am very interested in cosplay myself (its on my bucket list). Would love to see you do more cosplays cause these were amazing!!! You are soo good at it despite it being your first time!!! Good luck Nina!!!

  3. I just finished see you in my 19th Life webtoon and yes it'll be one of my top favourites for sure. I also finished another webtoon today from the same writer, "A Good Day to be A Dog".. I really love how this writer frames the stories and the art style.

    Also I loooove your Komi Cosplay.. it's one of my feel good animes and seeing Komi come to life so beautifully was a treat. ❤

  4. I remember replying on your ig stories for you to cosplay yor and nezuko am soo happy you did yor YOU LOOK SOO GOOD!!!!

  5. i was at anime expo this year too! this was my first time back in 6 years after having gone for like 4 years in a row and i rly missed it, i'm so glad u were able to go and experience the joy and wonder that is ax 🙂 it's always so sad to walk out those doors knowing it's over so i feel u in wanting to take it all in before u leave. i hope u go next year!!

  6. Hey nina! I think you should wash your face /after/ showering bc washing hair can get some of its oils on your face

  7. “i would love to have a booth or something but… actually no but’s, we gotta manifest it”; me, a psychology geek: “u know ur stuff nina 👏”

  8. Nina your cosplays are bomb I've been following you since 2018 and I'm happy that you get into anime, I'm looking for more anime content and korea too. (๑'ᴗ')ゞ

  9. You slayed all the costumes nina!!!♡
    Btw a question
    Which app do you most preferably use to edit your videos? I love em!

  10. Such an interesting video! Thank you for that. Dream to visit anime expo! And you like took us with you. I’ll subscribe to your channel ❤