このビデオは Miccostumes によって後援されました! ♥ コード SHINO10 を使用すると、現在または将来の akuoart コラボ コスプレが 10% オフになります – 2023 年 12 月 31 日まで。開梱するために送られてきた商品はここで見つけることができます: ドレス: https://www.miccostumes.com/akuoart-x -miccostumes-game-peach-girl-dress-flounce-royal-gown-cosplay-costume-outfits-with-crown-earrings-accessories-154269p.html ウィッグ: https://www.miccostumes.com/qwxx-game- Momo-movie-golden-cosplay-wig-241855p.html クラウン: https://www.miccostumes.com/Girl-Peach-Crown-Cosplay- Accessories-240535p.html Amazon シューズ: https://amzn.to/3O0n9BNご協力ありがとうございます! ♥


  1. your reviews are so thoughtful and thorough you can really see them improving with each video, thanks for another great one. Also just saying noodles would look great with that crown, they deserve to be a pwetty pwincess too.

  2. Another amazing unboxing video!!! The top down perspective works really well and you came through very nice and clear. I loved how you showed the detailing and how it all comes together. This is just such a gorgeous cosplay and you looked STUNNING in it. Keep up the amazing work as always 🙂