1. Two guards task to protect her. Two guards are hired to kidnap her. And one princess that wants to get away from everyone! This make for an interesting plot idea for a book or movie.

  2. The song is called Hocus Pocus (by Focus) for anyone wondering

    … And yep, pretty much how our D&D sessions go 😂🤣 Every session has at least 1 Monty Python reference eg. 🎶… Bravely ran away away🎶 / a scratch / something from the ex-parrot sketch… We blame the dice; they're always trying to kill us.
    Half our group are OG (80s) players 😎 and I've been playing about 15years, ya know, before Stranger Things made it mainstream 😜 … I will say "D&D Beyond" and 5th Edition are awesome: decent mods instead of THAC0s, so skip out all the other editions since AD&D, and go straight for 5th if you wanna learn it now 🤘😊

  3. do you have to make your own outfit for this because it seems fun but idk if I could make an outfit for an event lol