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  1. We really under appreciate the effort put into this by the skin designers, editors, and the rest of the crew.
    I know they won’t read this message, but I would like to say that I am very grateful to them for all that they have given us. This game is amazing, and please, keep up the good work!

  2. Genshin isn’t a game meant for gamers but a media platform to sell virtual idols to simps. Genshin is a simping simulation.

  3. Lisa's new outfit looks very good, Ayaka's unfortunately looks boring, uninspired and meh compared to what Diluc got or even Keqing for the matter.

    Ayayaka's clothes are really pretty and I love that she looks like a porcelain doll owo… The only problem is that Ayayaka is too ugly to wear those clothes Xd

  5. THEY'RE BOTH SO PRETTY. I didn't think I would be interested in Ayaka's skin but the moment I saw her in the livestream I knew I have to buy it 💥💳 💥💳💥 💳

  6. I like Ayaka's outfit but I wish we could turn off the hat. Not much of a fan of most hats. Though, I wish we could toggle off a lot of capes and scarves and such as well; don't see that happening.

  7. It would be cool if you added an in-game shop at a specific location where players can buy the outfits with primogems or another in-game currency, or pay real money. That way people who don’t like to spend can have some good motivation to play, and the whales can spend to instantly get their favorite cosmetics. It’s a win win situation 😀

  8. Ayakas outfit is really pretty, and it gives me hype for how Fontaine characters will look in the future

  9. I am asking something for the first time … Please upgrade crystalize reaction like geo +fire = lava-ize or geo+geo = stutter(makes enemies move slower and attack slower) or even geo +water= wither something man please upgrade geo reactions

  10. Imma raise her level up so I can use her again with her new outfit. She's so pretty omg mommyy 🥺🥺