Bundled up in style: News 8 viewer clearing snow in unicorn costume

Tonight, at least one member of the community is taking our warnings to heart and bundling up when clearing the snow, Shane Andon of Silvis sent us this video of a prancing unicorn literally clearing the snow. I have never seen anyone this happy to clear snow, which means unicorns are not real

Because it’s not really happening right now. Before you get your hope of, Shane says it’s really just his girlfriend having a little fun in the snow with a unicorn costume. If only unicorns were as real as the snow on the ground, right? You know, that’s hilarious. I’ve seen a dinosaur actually uh uh

Had its own snow blower and blowing some snow. Oh, yeah. But a dinosaur, a dinosaur. Yes. But you like, don’t, don’t you be bundled up? But then, and then have the suit. Maybe we, we will just never know. I’ll never know.

News 8 の視聴者 Shane Andon は、ガールフレンドがユニコーンのコスチュームを着て雪かきをしながら楽しんでいるこのビデオを送信しました。 その他のニュース: www.wqad.com YouTube で WQAD ニュース 8 を購読: https://www.youtube.com/c/Wqadnews8/featured?sub_confirmation=1 ニュース 8 を視聴するその他の方法: https://www.wqad. com/connect iOS で News 8 アプリをダウンロードする: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wqad-news-8-quad-cities/id1491061406 Android で News 8 アプリをダウンロードする: https://play. google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wqad.localtv&hl=en_US&gl=US ニュースレター: https://www.wqad.com/email Facebook で WQAD に「いいね!」: https://www.facebook.com /wqad8 Twitter で WQAD をフォロー: https://twitter.com/wqad Instagram で WQAD をフォロー: https://www.instagram.com/wqadnews8/

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